Dream Zone

Dream Zone

I dreamt I was in a huge semi driving down a dark twisty road. I drove through a large gate, got out and unloaded huge turtles, putting three on one side and three on the other side of the road. Then I woke up. Since I never have driven a semi nor had anything to do with huge turtles, what on earth does this mean? My husband laughed at me when I told him the dream. –Barbara, Hillsboro, TN

Lauri: I don’t blame your husband… it is kinda funny! However, it does hold an important message for you. Large trucks in our dreams often indicate that we are carrying a heavy load or a heavy burden at the time. What has been weighing heavily on you lately? Are you overloaded with responsibilities? Driving through a gate means you have a new opportunity “open” to you, and the turtles tell us that it has been a long, slow haul getting there. But it seems that the time was actually spent equally between two different things, since you divided the turtles equally. You unloaded them from your truck, so your burden has been lifted. The weight is over. Ask yourself what has happened in your life recently that is a welcome relief?

Barbara replies: Thanks for the insight. We had been trying to sell a house after we bought another and moved in. It was a huge worry with the upkeep of it. After 10 long months it finally sold. So I guess that was on my mind a lot. I never thought of it in the terms you told me.


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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