Dream Zone

Dream Zone

Last night I dreamt that I was performing an autopsy on this dead body. Other people were there performing autopsies on other bodies, but they all had instructions. I did not and didn’t know what I was doing. I also remember wearing this rubber mask that smelled. What does this mean? –Lynn, Wausau, WI

Lauri: An autopsy is done to figure out the cause of death. You must be doing some investigating in your life, trying to figure out why something in your life came to an end, such as a relationship, a project, a job, etc. Whatever it is, it is something you feel really “stinks,” hence the smelly mask. The other people in the dream represent others around you in waking life who have gone through something similar but seem to be getting on okay. The message of the dream is: This issue or relationship is dead and of no use to you, so why bother?

Lynn replies: Holy cow! That is right on. A long time ago my ex told me he was gay, but now I see on Facebook that he has remarried a woman! This leaves me wondering what that is all about. Thank you!


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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