Dream Zone

Dream Zone

I found out that I was pregnant with my second child about seven months ago. I keep having dreams that my son, who is 1 year old, dies. Mainly drowning in the toilet! I’m having a little girl in August and am worried about how I’m going to be able to share me with both kids. My son is a BIG mommy’s boy. I still feel like I should give my son more one on one time with just him as the only child. –Tara 22, Rochester, NY

Lauri: Let me assure you that your dream is common when a second little one comes along, so you’re not crazy nor will any harm come to your son. Death in a dream means change is happening in waking life, which is certainly the case with you! Your son’s death simply means that you are very aware of the big change he is going to go through when the new baby arrives. His identity of being an only child will die and a new identity of being a brother will be born! Why the toilet as a means of his demise? Well, you must feel this is a “crappy” situation for him. His drowning reflects your fear that he will be drowned out by all the attention the infant will need. The truth is, this will probably be more difficult for you than it will be for him. Having a little sister will only enhance his childhood!

Tara replies: This makes so much sense! I feel A LOT better! I just got my son a kitty so that he had something to keep him company when I‘m busy with the baby. I’m still nervous about having two kids but I feel better about the dream and hopefully if I still have it I will just laugh it off and know that he will be okay. I guess I can calm down now when he walks into the bathroom. You have really helped me a lot.


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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