Dream Zone

Dream zone

I dreamed had a large knife and was hitting one of my cats with it, knowing full well that if I kept on hitting him he would die. He didn’t try to run away, and although I didn’t want to kill him I felt I had to. I suddenly changed my mind and pulled him into my lap, begging him not to die. He was bleeding all over me but just sat there and purred. –Chelsea, 25, Vancouver, BC

Lauri: The cat is actually standing in for a part of yourself or a part of your own life. That being said, what are you beating yourself up about? Cats usually point to your independent self or even your sexual self. Any anger toward yourself in the intimacy department? Or the standing-on-your-own department? Interesting that you were using a knife. Perhaps there is something or someone you need or desire to cut out of your life. All the blood you see in the dream is energy and emotion wasted on this issue. The cat continued to live and even purr, which means your wrath (toward yourself) is not warranted.

Chelsea replies: I injured my back at work a few months ago and have been feeling useless. It has caused a lot of problems with my self-esteem. I have taken it out on myself a lot, because I feel like a burden on my friends and boyfriend. Physically I can’t really do much on my own. On the other hand I know that a lot of the feelings of inadequacy are uncalled for. Thank you so much!


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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