Dream Zone

Dream zone

I dreamt I was downtown underneath some overpasses. I was headed to some event. I looked down and saw worms were coming out of the soles of my feet. I did not have shoes on. I kept scraping the worms off, but they kept growing back. –Jill, 28, Madison, WI

Lauri: You are underneath the overpass, which means you are not at the level you want in some area of your life. What area of your life is beneath where you feel it ought to be? The fact that you are headed to some event means you are on your way to something better than where you are now! The worms indicate you are wallowing in the dirt, so to speak. You may even feel that something or someone negative has “wormed” its way into your life.

The worms growing back mean you have been having a difficult time getting rid of these feelings or the person or situation that has wormed its way in. Time to try something different.

Jill replies: My husband has some depression issues that he is working through. He has hurt me over and over. I have been feeling so stuck and so low, and I am afraid I am losing my soul!

He recently had a wake-up call and since then has been treating me great! I hope this continues, because I love him and have two babies with him. If it goes back to the same ol’, same ol’, I need to think about ending it. I hope it doesn’t come to this, as I know deep down he is a great guy.


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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