
Peggy plots your planets

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755, or through her email.


ARIES (March 20-April 20)

Pull out the green on Tuesday. That’s St. Patrick’s Day, and the Irish are ready to jig. Okay, sing “Happy Birthday” to Peggy Plots Your Planets. She turns five years old this week. Thank you for all your support. Mars, your ruling planet, moves to Pisces on Sunday. You will have plenty of action and energy to work behind the scenes. You may hear a secret or two today. The sun joins Uranus. Expect the unexpected. Your Pisces friends are winding down a month of birthday celebrations. Next week, it’s your turn. Sweet Venus sends a wink to Uranus later today. Share your ideas with others. Surprises flow your way for the next few days.


TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Talk about your ideas with someone this week. Discuss your hopes, wishes and goals. On Tuesday, it’s time to pull out the green and party with the Irish. Surprises could flow your way today from friends, clubs or organizations. Secrets could be revealed. On Saturday, Mars, the planet of action and energy, takes up residence in Pisces. You will feel your energy level pick up. Put a few of your plans into action this week. Your Pisces friends are winding up a month of birthdays this week. Join the party.


GEMINI (May 20-June 20)

On Friday, Venus turns retrograde. Give yourself as much time as needed in the love and money department. Mercury joins Neptune today. Get all the facts, and pass up the fiction. Just the facts. While Venus is retrograde, look back on investment and financial matters. Notice what needs to be corrected. If you feel a little anxious, chill out. It’s the full moon coming up in Virgo on Tuesday. Yes indeed, this can dig up some deep feelings on family issues. Your full attention should be on career matters. Perhaps you should close off other issues for a while. You little twins are dedicated workers. Some of you folks may have to push your clock ahead on Sunday.


CANCER (June 20-July 22)

The moon moves to fellow water sign Scorpio. This weekend, Lady Luck is on your side. Mars moves to Pisces over the weekend. You will notice plenty of action in your career department. The red planet will increase your energy level. Take time out to celebrate with your Irish friends on Tuesday. Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. Go ahead, do a jig or two. Enjoy yourself. Pay attention. A surprise that affects your career could arrive. Yes indeed, expect the unexpected when Uranus goes to work. It’s a good surprise.


LEO (July 22-Aug. 22)

Go ahead and party with the Irish on Tuesday. You are the party sign of the zodiac. Pull out the green and head for the parade. Sing an Irish melody or two. Someone may surprise you today. It’s all good. Let the energy settle. Mars enters Pisces on Saturday. Focus on joint resources for the next few weeks. Good time to chat with your banker or the tax man. The red planet brings action and energy. Your Pisces friends are finishing up a month of birthday celebrations. Join the party.


VIRGO (Aug. 22-Sept. 22)

Your daily work department takes center stage. Tuesday is St. Patrick’s Day, when everyone is Irish. Get out and help the Irish celebrate. Mars, Mercury, Uranus and the sun are all packed into your relationship department. People want to celebrate with you. The red planet in Pisces brings a few weeks of added energy. I know you feel more confident. It’s been two years since Mars last visited this section of your chart. Take some time out and help your Pisces friends celebrate their birthdays.


LIBRA (Sept. 22-Oct. 22)

Put away your scales. It’s St. Patrick’s Day. Yes indeed, Tuesday is the day. Get out and join the parade. Have fun with the Irish. Uranus teams up with the sun today, so you can expect the unexpected in your daily work department. Surprises flow your way for a while. Mars moves to Pisces on Saturday. You will see plenty of action in the daily work department for the next few weeks. On Monday, keep your words on the tender side with females. The red planet squares off with the moon. Spring moves in next week. Get ready to move forward with your daily work schedule.


SCORPIO (Oct. 22-Nov. 21)

Mars sends action and energy to your luck and fun department on Saturday. St. Patrick’s Day on Tuesday. Go ahead, dress in green and head for the parade. It is your time to celebrate. Uranus meets with the sun today. Surprises flow in from a loved one. Yes indeed, this part of your chart is fun, love and Lady Luck. Your emotions are powerful, so keep them under control. No need to get too excited. I know, the moon is in your sign all weekend. Spend time this week with the other water signs—Cancer and Pisces. Join the Pisces birthday party.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Go ahead, Sag, the party is Tuesday when the Irish celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Expect a few surprises on the home front when the sun hooks up with Uranus today. Notice what occurs Friday. On Saturday, Mars, the planet of action and energy, joins the home front. Keep your words on the tender side. Your Pisces friends wind up a month of birthday celebrations. Join the party. On Tuesday, pull out the green. Sing with the Irish. Do a jig or two. Venus brings a glow to the fun, love and luck department of your solar chart. Venus is love and money.


CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 20)

St. Patrick’s Day will be observed vigorously on Tuesday. Mars brings action and energy to the communication department of your solar chart. Yes indeed, for the next few weeks it’s your time for communication. On Tuesday, join the St. Patrick’s Day parade. Go ahead, sport the green. Do a jig or two. Sing with your Irish friends. On Wednesday, keep your words soft and tender. Think before you speak. Don’t let Saturn, your ruling planet, restrict you, but you can learn a lesson from the old teacher. Use your higher knowledge.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)

The sun lives it up with Uranus this week. Expect the unexpected in your daily income. Surprises flow your way in the real-estate department. Present your ideas. You have the know-how to make others comfortable. Mars, the planet of action and energy, takes center stage in your earned-income department for the next few weeks. On Tuesday, take time off to celebrate with the Irish. Put on something green and enjoy, my friend. Spend time with some Pisces as they celebrate the last of their birthdays. Mars moves into Pisces. Focus on your finances. The red planet brings plenty of energy for a few weeks.


PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Happy birthday. You later-born Pisces celebrate your birthdays this week. Mars moves into your sign on Saturday. The red planet of action and energy remains in your sign for the next several weeks. People will notice you. Now pull out the green and swim with the Irish. Join the parade. A sudden surprise could flow your way today or Friday. Your mind is sharp. This is your week to think about yourself. Do not let what others think rain on your parade. If it feels good, it’s a good idea. Go for it.


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