

Peggy plots your planets

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755, or through her email.


ARIES (March 20-April 20)

Mercury turns retrograde today. This is not a good time to begin new projects. Expect delays. Full moon on tap Saturday in Scorpio. You may notice people are a little antsy. Keep your words soft and tender. Do not ask the banker for any favors. On Sunday, do not forget dear Mom. Sunday is Mother’s Day. Take Mom out to dinner, or at least make a phone call. Your words could carry extra weight. While Mercury is retrograde this month, keep your eye on details. If not, some of your best plans could come unraveled. On Monday, Saturn and Mars are at odds. Pay attention. Look for balance. Think before you speak. This is not the time to blurt out your ideas.


TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Full moon in Scorpio on Saturday. You may feel a little emotional. Your friends may show up late for the party. Mercury goes retrograde today. Expect delays. Pay attention to detail. Sunday is Mother’s Day. This is not the month to make a major purchase. Retrograde Mercury retreats to your sign on Wednesday. Mercury retrograde is a good time to look back over the past three months. Correct whatever mistakes you made. Now you get a clearer picture of some of your recent decisions. Keep your words soft and tender on Monday.


GEMINI (May 20-June 20)

Mercury, the messenger, turns retrograde today. Mercury is your ruling planet, and Mercury’s visit to your sign encourages you to talk more. As the yakker of the zodiac, please think before you speak. It’s Mother’s Day. While Mercury is retrograde this month, expect delays. Pay attention to communications. Do not forget to sign the check or put the stamp on the envelope. Full moon Saturday in Scorpio. Co-workers may appear emotional. Spend the next few weeks looking back. Notice what you have accomplished.


CANCER (June 20-July 22)

Chill out. So you feel a little emotional. That’s because of the full moon coming up Saturday in your fellow water sign, Scorpio. You water signs—Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces—feel the motion of the full moon and new moon more intensely than the other signs. You are ruled by the moon. Today, Mercury, the messenger, goes retrograde. Expect delays. This is major-miscommunication time. Don’t begin any new projects. If you paint your sand castle now, you may wish later, when Mercury resumes its forward motion, that you had selected another color. It’s Mother’s Day. Send a card or flowers.


LEO (July 22-Aug. 22)

Mercury goes retrograde today. While the messenger is retrograde is not a good time to make any major purchases. On Saturday, a full moon occurs in Scorpio. Folks on the home front may appear a little emotional. Sunday is Mother’s Day. This is miscommunication month. Remember to sign the check and stamp the envelope. Mercury retrograde is a good time to look back and review what you have accomplished over the past three months. It’s an opportunity to correct mistakes. Read the ads closely. You could find a bargain.


VIRGO (Aug. 22-Sept. 22)

Secrets could be revealed this week. A full moon occurs Saturday in Scorpio, which is occupying your house of communication. Mercury, the messenger, goes retrograde today. Expect delays. Play it cool on Wednesday. Mars, the planet of action and energy, could generate an argument. While Mercury, your ruling planet, is retrograde this month, chill out. Look back and review what you have accomplished over the past three months. Good time to correct mistakes made during that period. Do not forget Mother’s Day on Sunday. Do something for mom. Keep your words soft and tender. Hang out with a Taurus celebrating a birthday.


LIBRA (Sept. 22-Oct. 22)

Mercury goes retrograde today. While the messenger moves in reverse, we can expect delays. Use this month to look back and check out what you have accomplished over the past three months. If you find mistakes, you now have an opportunity to cross the t’s and dot the i’s. Pay attention to what you dig up this week. Full moon in Scorpio on Saturday. Now chill out. Don’t get upset with the earned-income department. Sunday is Mother’s Day. Mars brings action. Do not let frustrations get the best of you. While Mercury is retrograde, expect the unexpected.


SCORPIO (Oct. 22-Nov. 21)

Mercury moves retrograde today. Now, issues you have already encountered may not be settled. You could be in for another round of negotiations. I know you feel emotional. There’s a full moon in your sign, Mr. Detective. All you water signs—Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces—feel the effects of a full moon and new moon more strongly than other signs. While Mercury is retrograde, expect delays. Miscommunication takes center stage this month. Sunday is Mother’s Day. On Monday, Mars squares off with Saturn. This is not the time to force issues. Work around any obstacles. On Tuesday, back off and search for clever solutions.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Mercury retrogrades today. While the messenger moves backward, it’s time to lower a few of your expectations. Don’t start any new projects. Work on something you have already started. During the next three weeks, look back. Notice how much you have accomplished in that period. Correct any mistakes. Catch up on unfinished business. You may feel a little emotional. Full moon in Scorpio. Secrets could be revealed. This could pull your attention away from the ordinary. Anticipate delays while Mercury is retrograde. You can expect miscommunication. Now is a good time to search for deals. Others make mistakes. Sunday is Mother’s Day.


CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 20)

Mercury goes retrograde today. Expect delays. Your communication department slows down. Pay attention. Look back over the past three months. See what you have accomplished. Mercury retrograde can show you where your plans may need improvement. Use this month to correct mistakes. Expect to hear from people out of your past. You could get involved in the plans of others. Remain focused. A full moon occurs on Saturday. This should bring a glow to your mountain. On Monday, spend time with your mother. Play it cool on Monday. Mars squares off with Saturn. Avoid harsh words. No need to complicate your life. You are ruled by Saturn.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)

Mercury moves retrograde today. Expect delays. Don’t begin a new project. Work on something you have already started. Measure your words carefully. Avoid misunderstandings. Take time to look back and notice how much you have accomplished over the past three months. Work on what needs a final touch. Correct mistakes you may have made during that period. Put your new creative ideas on the back burner. Take care of your own needs. This is not the time to fall into the problems of others. Repeat yourself if necessary. Make sure others understand what you say. On Sunday, spend some time with your mother on her very own day.


PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

I know you feel a little anxious. Full moon Saturday. Mercury retrogrades today. This is not the time for travel. Delays, lost luggage, missed planes. Mercury is retrograde through May. Work on projects you have already started, and finish old business. Don’t begin any new projects. No need to swim to a larger pond. Stick with projects you have worked on over the past three months. Notice how much you accomplished during that period. Correct any mistakes. Spend time with Mom on Sunday. On Monday, play it cool. Mars could push your buttons when he squares off with Saturn.


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