Dream Zone

Dream Zone

In my dream I am sitting on a winding staircase when three children approach me. A little boy shows me two golden coins and tells me that they are real. The second child shows me her doll and the third child gives me a hug. I look over and see that another girl is drowning in a cage, and just when I think she has drown the water releases and flows out through the bars. – Kim 29, Richmond, VA

Lauri: Spiral staircases symbolize progress and development. Just like the tiniest DNA strand or the most enormous spiral galaxy, the spiral is the shape of expansion and development. In what area of your life are you progressing and taking one “step” at a time? The three children are standing in for different parts of your personality or different parts of your life that are underdeveloped, and need lots of attention in order to reach their full potential. In the process of nurturing these parts of you, certain “gifts” are realized. The gold coins symbolize that you and your goals are “genuine” and valuable. The doll is your ability to care and nurture. And the hug is your dream telling you to love yourself for these wonderful gifts you possess! The drowning girl is very interesting imagery!! Drowning often indicates depression. Depression can certainly make us feel caged in. The release of the water in your dream indicates that the depression has been lifted and now you are free!

Kim replies: Your interpretation of my dream is right on. I have recently overcome a deep depression. I do believe the children in my dream represent different parts of me that I now need to work on. I am on my path moving upward, and I appreciate your insights. You’re awesome!


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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