Astromat for December 11 - December 17


Aries (
March 21-april 20)

Cosmic situations have held you back long enough. With your planetary ruler, Mars, moving through the last few degrees of Pisces, it's time to look back at all you've done and consider where you're going. A friend or the signs Aquarius and Capricorn could be helpful in helping you to realize these new directions close to December 15. Get ready for inspiration and a new direction when Mars moves into your own sign on December 17. If you were born on March 24, expect a burst of energy and added ambition to succeed, along with a quick temper and increased sex drive in your personal forecast.

Taurus (
April 21-May 21)

Your planetary ruler, Venus, is harmoniously moving through the sign of Capricorn and your 9th house. Traveling for your job, responsibilities affiliated with churches and going back to school for a better career are all possible manifestations for these energies. Romance and good fortune are indicated close to December 12, especially if the signs Sagittarius and Pisces are involved. Situations dealing with sports, the arts or with children are also favored at this time. Sexual love and access to other people's money is indicted close to December 14. The sign Leo could be involved.

Gemini (
May 22-June 21)

Celestial influences are getting sticky, but your extreme versatility can get you through anything. Sex and romance are in the stars close to December 14, especially with the signs Leo, Libra and Taurus. But then situations become more difficult when Saturn comes into the picture bringing heavy financial obligations and working harder for less money around December 15. Better organization and kinky sex could be the better part of these planetary energies. Get important errands completed before Mercury seemingly reverses motion on December 17. New directions after this time may only be temporary.

Cancer (
June 22-July 22)

You've recently been putting a greater value on sex and romance since the Moon has been moving through the sign of Leo and your 2nd house. On the evening of December 13, there's really good chance of you getting lucky in the love department, especially if the signs Aries or Scorpio are involved. When the Moon enters the sign of Virgo on December 14 your focus will change to better organization and practical thinking. Good news from a Sagittarius or Pisces is possible around December 15, but it could be bad news if it's from somebody calling from your job. Planetary forces improve on December 17.

Leo (
July 23-August 23)

You may have recently spent too much money on your kid, for an artistic project or on a romantic date, but you can't help that you are so incredibly generous. Love affairs and intense sexual experiences are indicated around December 12, especially involving the sign Scorpio and Aries. A psychic impression about your children could also be accurate at this time, so don't ignore any intuitive inclinations. Creative projects may be composed of recycled materials or will have erotic overtones. Love and social interest could take place at work close to December 14. The signs Libra and Taurus could be involved.

Virgo (
August 24-September 22)

Your planetary ruler, Mercury, is currently moving through the sign of Capricorn and your 5th house. Romance and leisure activities with the signs Libra, Leo or Taurus are indicated around December 13. But influences from Saturn could cause difficulties in relationships close to December 14 and 15, especially with the signs Capricorn and Aquarius. Your work schedule may also interfere with love interests at this time. Some relationships may end, while others will prove their strength. Cosmic vibrations become more difficult when Mercury does a turnaround on December 17. Just stay focused, keep an eye on your kids and try not to get your heart broken.

Libra (
September 23-October 23)

You've been in a more serious state of mind with your planetary ruler, Venus, moving through the sign of Capricorn and your 4th house. Home-based businesses, domestic duties and mild depression are all likely at this time. Cosmic vibrations get much better around December 12 with happy feelings, good fortune and home improvements. Secret trips and an increase in dream activity are also shown at this time. Beneficial communications, romantic dates and situations involving children are forecasted close to December 14. The sign Leo could play a part.

Scorpio (
October 24-November 22)

Celestial influences are in your favor. Vibrations from Jupiter could increase your income, but you could overspend as well, especially when it comes to realizing your ultimate dreams. You may also be attempting too many projects at once, so if you decide to start something new, something may need to be eliminated for success. Your inner "party animal" may be surfacing at this time, so at least try to use moderation with food and drink, even though I know you don't want to. Romance with Leo and financial speculations are indicated for December 12. This is also the perfect time to make a fresh start.

Sagittarius (
November 23-December 20)

Challenging planetary vibrations surround you as your ruler, Jupiter, moves through the sign of Virgo and your 10th house. Difficult influences from Pluto are telling you to make a change, but it's not going to be easy. Personal power struggles and problems within your career are indicated along with an increased sexual appetite and a tendency to become obsessed. Yours is the sign of visualization, so you must picture only good things in your future. A little faith will go a long way. Love affairs, financial enhancements and social activities are shown around December 12. The signs Taurus or Libra could play a part.

Capricorn (
December 21-January 20)

Relationships and finances remain stressed as your planetary ruler, Saturn, regresses in the sign of Cancer and your 7th house. Hidden charges on bills, undercover purchases and secret love affairs against your moral code are indicated, especially if the signs Pisces or Sagittarius are involved. Get ready for added confusion after December 14 due to negative influences from Mercury causing communication problems, cancelled dates and transportation challenges. Siblings and the signs Gemini and Virgo could be involved.

Aquarius (
January 21-February 18)

You may not be very happy with your current career situation and it could be effecting your health, especially your stomach and emotional well being. Bosses and the signs Sagittarius and Pisces could be particularly problematic at this time. The chaos continues when challenging vibrations from Mercury enter the picture around December 14 bringing travel problems, cancellations, tardiness and difficulties with communication. A new friend under the sign of Scorpio or Aries may be on the horizon, and may even help out with realizing your ultimate goals.

Pisces (
February 19-March 20)

There are lessons to be learned this week in love and romance. Vibrations from Saturn are telling you to pay more attention to lovers, children and on artistic pursuits, but you may prefer to work longer or keep your head in the clouds. You need to decide which is truly more important to you, love, work or escape time? Love affairs and social activities with friends are indicated close to December 12, especially if the signs Taurus or Libra are involved. Difficulties with the signs Capricorn, Aquarius and Scorpio are also shown.

To contact Astromat for a personal reading, e-mail [email protected] for rates and to schedule an appointment. Please include contact information, along with your birthday, birthplace, and exact time of birth.

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