A&E: Look! An Oliphant!

How not to confuse it with a heffalump, and other useful tidbits in time for ROTK

Martin Stein

"The current steward of Gondor rules in the stead of the absent King. His sons are Boromir, who died trying to protect Merry and Pippin, and Faramir, the Gondorian ranger who encounters Frodo and Sam at Osgiliath. Denethor grieves the loss of his favored son, Boromir, and refuses to light the beacons to call for aid from Rohan."

From the official The Lord of The Rings website

Does any of the above make sense to you? Part of it? Do you even know the proper way to pronounce "Osgiliath." If not, how do you expect to fully enjoy The Return of The King, the third and final installment in The Lord of The Rings saga, only the most important series of films ever created? Ever!

Lucky for you, the Las Vegas Weekly has conducted extensive interviews with dozens of Tolkien scholars from around the globe and assembled this, the definitive Lord of The Rings quiz. You'd better read it now, before your friends start calling you an Uruk-hai behind your back! And, for even more Lord of The Rings coverage, turn to Pages 32 and 33.

Who is this man?

A. A multi-award-winning actor and a real-live knight

B. A gay Brit trying to follow in Alec Guiness' footsteps

C. Tommy Lee Jones' grandfather

What do Hobbits have on their feet?

A. Something they should've scraped off before they came in

B. Curly wisps of Hobbit hair. Mmmm, Hobbit hair.

C. Air Jordans

Sauron is to Darth Vader as Ents are to:

A. Ewoks

B. Ewoks

C. Stupid animated trees better suited to a Disney film

D. Ewoks

What is the name of the sword Bilbo gave to Frodo?

A. Sting

B. Dylan

C. Edge

D. Cher

Bilbo, Frodo, Pippin and Sam. At what point did Toliken give up on making up names?

Learning to speak Elvish:

A. is as helpful as learning to speak Klingon

B. will impress your geek friends

C. makes for sparkling cocktail chatter

D. demonstrates it's time to move out of your parent's house

True or false? In RETURN OF THE KING, Elrond keeps multiplying until he populates an entire city, yet only one of him fights Neo.

What do the initials "J.R.R." stand for?

A. Jeffrey Rude 'n' Rowdy

B. Johnny Really Rotten

C. John Ronald Reuel

D. John Reuel Ronald

Answers: 1. A, 2. B, 3. D, 4. A, 5. Try "Treebeard," 6. D, 7. True, 8. C,

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