Crooning the Vegas Blues


Couple needs a dose of Sin City spirituality

We've had an awful year in 2003, including bankruptcy, reduction in my work hours and lots of struggle. Do you see me changing jobs or will I stay at my current place of employment? My husband has had a difficult time keeping a job here. He was supposed to start a job last week and they told him that now there's a "hiring freeze." What do you see for us?

Last Dollar

Dear Last Dollar,

I consider Las Vegas to be the biggest spiritual final exam that a soul endures because every temptation in the world is here. In the bigger spiritual test of it all, there was something that drew you here so you need to know that you have strength within you to master this city and thrive.

You need to inventory the gifts and blessings you have instead of what you think you don't have. Sometimes all it takes is deciding to do whatever you need to do to have a more satisfying and abundant life. Give up what's not working for you and you'll both be in new opportunities within six weeks.

Where's My Life Going?

I have problems both emotionally and financially. I've been married over 25 years and I often want to leave my husband even though I know I wouldn't be able to support myself. Do you have any suggestions? I don't know how you can answer a "psychic" question when the person isn't with you, but I figured I'd give this a try.


Dear Jenny,

You need to let go of the expectation that it is someone else's responsibility to make you happy in this lifetime. You are in the process of going through a major shift in how you'll be approaching the world in the future and it involves you deciding how to make life happen for yourself. Whether good or bad, you create your own reality.

Right this minute, you are deceiving yourself in some area of your life and I need you to let go of the behavior that depresses you. More than ever, you need to find a way to get involved with life again—find a new career, take a class in cooking or crafts, and make yourself some friends! I see that if you just make a minor shift in your perspective, that your life will become more enjoyable.

Your husband is not to blame here. You need to decide that you deserve wonderful opportunities and that you possess all the tools possible to make that happen. I do not see you getting divorced, but I do see you taking more responsibility for the level of contentment in your life.

Is He Worth It?

I'll be traveling soon to see a lover/companion that I've known for the past three years. It's been an on-again/off-again relationship and during one of the "off-again" periods he got reinvolved with a woman from a past relationship. We've been together this time for seven months.

How can I influence him to commit to a loving relationship with me? He lives as a self-imposed hobo to hide money from an ex-wife. I need advice on how to conduct myself during this trip because I think it will be crucial to our future together.

Loving Lady

Dear Loving Lady,

You are an absolutely delightful woman. This man is cynical and bitter because of that former marriage. He so strongly associates love and money with one another that he doesn't have a lot of room in his heart to truly appreciate you. He's using the "ex-wife and money" excuse to hide what he really is—a user, a cad and a gigolo.

For your information, he's still connected with the new "other" woman with whom he uses the same "woe is me/ex-wife" story.

How to conduct yourself on this trip? Behave as though you don't need him in your life. I promise he'll feel the shift in your behavior and the dynamic between the two of you will change. You need to be strong enough to tell him that he doesn't get a free ride with you anymore. You have been the one doing all the giving in this relationship and it's time for that to stop. This will be the trip where you see him in his true light and that's as a LOSER.

I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but you're too wonderful a woman to be with someone less than fabulous!

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Mystic Mona is a licensed professional in the psychic arts through the City of Las Vegas. Her live and local radio show, Psychic View, can be heard at 10 a.m. Saturdays on Hot Talk 1140-AM. You may e-mail your questions for consideration to [email protected].

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