News, observations, stray thoughts + medically supervised brain drainings about our city

And Now a Word from Michael in the IT Department

At Michael Moore's press conference,
CityLife columnist Saab Lofton sat in the front row and, holding out a near foot-long, big-box tape recorder, asked Moore a labyrinthine question about libertarians. To which Moore responded, "Dude, you know they make tape recorders smaller than that now ...."

Hey, That's a Beloved Rat Packer You're Talking About!

In Chronicles, his recently published autobiography, Bob Dylan recalls taking his wife to see Frank Sinatra Jr. perform in New York City, probably around 1970. "I didn't care if he was as good as his old man or not—he sounded fine, and I liked his big blasting band." After the show, the two men exchanged compliments, and then, according to Dylan, Sinatra Jr. "talked about the civil rights movement, said his father had been active in civil rights and had always fought for the underdog—that his father felt like one himself." But then Sinatra Jr. asked Dylan a question (one that echoes Dylan's famous line from "Like a Rolling Stone"): "'How do you think it would make you feel,' he said, 'to find out that the underdog had turned out to be a son of a bitch?'" Dylan's reply: "I don't know, probably not so good."

I'm Gray Matters, and I Approved This Heaping Pile of Lies, Innuendo and Half-Truths

No worries, friends, yeomans and countrymen, Gray Matters' isn't running for office. At least not until the political process is changed, a process that allows 527s to spend more than the gross domestic product of Tuvalu on exaggerated drivel. The folks who ride in swift boats and want America to come together are taking historical information, spinning it like one of those Downy dryer sheets and making it dubious. For starters (and enders), if Gray Matters ran the political process, we'd issue Executive Order 187 to destroy all 527s, downsize spinmeisters like Karl Rove and Bob Shrum out of jobs and snatch accreditation from the Electoral College (the last part's a joke, Gray Matters knows the Electoral College isn't a real college). Yep, in a Gray Matters-run process, there'd be no limits on stretching the truth. In fact, lying would be encouraged and comic book writers—and only comic book writers—could be press secretaries.


"By traditional rules, it would seem crazy for the campaigns to put that much firepower into a state with just five electoral votes less than three weeks before Election Day. But the 2004 election is so close, and the remaining battleground states so few, that Nevada and its southwest neighbors have become prime targets for both campaigns."

—From an envious Washington Post writer.

Who Let the Dogs Out?—Poop! Poop!

"I will find you."

—Sign above the mailbox in a Summerlin condominium complex warning the owner of a dog that defecated near the subdivision's pool and near the sign-writer's front door.

Pigeonholing of Another Sort, or, We're Unsavory, Masochistic, Money-Hungry Ear-Biters, All of Us, Everyone

"A lot of people already know a lot about Las Vegas, especially if they watch sports on TV. Caesars Palace and MGM Grand are famous because of all the boxing events they have."

—Jun Deng, writer and editor of the weekly Shanghai Times

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