MYSTIC MONA: Post-Dance Fever

A good future awaits just off-stage



with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I was in a huge semi driving down a dark, twisty road. I drove into a large gate, got out and unloaded huge turtles, putting three on one side of the road, three on the other. Then I woke up. Since I’ve never driven a semi, nor had anything to do with huge turtles, what does this mean? My husband laughed at me when I told him the dream.


Lauri: I don’t blame him, it is kinda funny! However, it holds an important message. Large trucks in dreams often indicate that we’re carrying a heavy load or burden. What’s been weighing on you lately? Are you overloaded with responsibilities? Driving through a gate means you have a new opportunity “open” to you and the turtles mean it’s been a long, slow haul getting there. But it seems the time was spent equally between two things, since you divided the turtles equally. You unloaded them from your truck, so your burden has been lifted. Ask yourself: What has happened in your life recently that is a welcome relief?

Barbara replies: We’d been trying to sell a house after we bought another and moved in. It was a huge worry with the upkeep of it. After 10 months, it finally sold. I guess that was on my mind a lot. I never thought of it in the terms you told me.

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg's website is

I've been a stay-at-home mom for five years, working weekends as a dancer. I haven't worked a real job in six years. I signed up for college this year, but didn't go. I wonder if I'll get the nerve to go back, or will I end up dancing until I'm 50!

Getting Too Old to Dance

Dear Dance,

Sign up for college classes that begin in January, emphasizing marketing and business. It's important that you meet a new circle of people and that won't happen where you're working now. If people ask you what you do, tell them you're looking for a job but are back in school so you're not idle. I see you have the gift of intuition and you'll ultimately keep the secrets of wealthy people. Think about becoming a casino host or doing room sales at one of the hotels. Also, begin building your professional wardrobe. Prepare as though you'll need those new suits, dresses and shoes very soon.

There's a man who'll be important in your life within the next eight months—either a love interest or someone who hires you, and you don't meet him where you work now. That's why it's important that you go back to school.

Remember, Jan Jones was a showgirl and became mayor. Your cards reflect big success once you take a little action on your behalf.

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After passing through Oregon on vacation, my husband and I decided to sell our Vegas home and move there. The profit from the sale of our home allows us to start our new life with no debts, other than a small mortgage on the new home. Things have fallen into place so easily, it's a little scary—like it was meant to be. Can you advise us of any unforeseen pitfalls we may be facing?

S & S

Dear S & S,

No pitfalls—smooth sailing. But make new friends ASAP to prevent loneliness. Get a job where you connect with people, or join a charitable organization. One of you would be a good travel agent, and because you'll miss Vegas, you should have a way to visit.

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I've been running my own business for three years. Six months ago, my husband and I relocated to Vegas and we incorporated it as a Nevada business.

I'm stressed having to re-establish my network with very little time because I'm also seven months pregnant, with two children already. I have faith, but things are tight. Our credit was impacted by the move and the small business, so we're unable to buy a house. I'm hoping for a windfall: either funding for a new venture I'm working on, or a new contract for my existing business.

Is there any break for us in near future, or should I just focus on getting a job after the baby (I have a master's degree)?

Pregnant and In Pursuit of the Big One!

Dear Pursuit,

The biggest challenge you face is letting go of the idea that you have to do everything yourself. You're a big-picture thinker, however, in this case, you're going to have to learn to give up a bit of control.

Concentrate on getting a job after the birth of this child. There is no windfall— don't even think about chasing after one. The cards say success comes to you after a pragmatic series of events generated by thoughtful consideration about your future.

The image I get is that you're a lovely, creative woman who's bitten off too much. Also, your impulsiveness benefited you before, but it's not what I see working here. Keep the Nevada corporation a part-time gig, but don't plan on having the energy/resources/network established for at least two years—then things develop nicely.

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Mona Van Joseph is a licensed psychic in Las Vegas. E-mail: [email protected].

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