THE CONSUMER: Feathering Your Nest

Ladies, this column’s for you

Anne Kellogg

One of the best things about being a girl (and there are many) is our instinctive love of all things feather boa. It must be linked to something on that second X chromosome. In fact, one of our best friend's daughters was mysteriously hooked to her boa as a toddler. Like Linus and his blanket only way more glamorous. Sadly, she's been weaned, but some day she'll be back on the boas. It's inevitable.

One of the best parts of being a girl who lives in Las Vegas is the Rainbow Feather Dyeing Co. on Main Street, just above Charleston Boulevard in the Arts District. Even though the space is absolutely unassuming, with its raw concrete floors, simple display rods and boxes, it is like a little slice of heaven where you can purchase feathers in all the colors of the spectrum. Ostrich feathers, rooster feathers, pheasant feathers, turkey feathers, marabou feathers. The big draw, of course, is all of the amazing boas. But you can also buy loose feathers and accessories for home (ostrich feather dusters) or play (peacock feather earrings and even feathered alligator clips).

Bill Girard, the master craftsman who owns and operates this brilliant factory and store, moved his operation to Las Vegas from Burbank, California, about 10 years ago. He says most of his customers were from here anyway, so he moved to be closer to them. Makes sense since Las Vegas show folks won't settle for traveling back and forth to California for their feather needs. Think about it. A typical Las Vegas show has a lot more going on in terms of feathers than they do in Southern California these days. Add Cirque du Soleil's feather needs for its five shows and counting, then add the rebirth of the striptease to the mix, and you have yourself a pretty good demand for feathers.

But Bill isn't a greedy guy—he stopped making feather angel wings because one of his best customers does it. Plus his prices are extremely modest, especially when you consider that he actually stops work on his sewing machine to help you out and show you around his colorful world. A recent ostrich feather boa with about 20 loose turkey feathers as party favors came in at $46. The really good boas, the ones that look as fabulous as they feel, run up to $60.

Go on, now give one a twirl.

Rainbow Feather Co., 1036 S. Main St. 598-0988.

Anne Kellogg is a native Las Vegan with a thing for purchasing stuff. E-mail her at
[email protected]

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