Mash Notes, Hate Mail, Urgent Communiqués, Secret Messages, Thesis Pieces

Now, Don't Hold Back, Brian. Tell Us How You Really Feel About Our Short-Short Story Roundup.

One reader let us have it over the 114-word short stories that were part of last week's Reading Issue cover package.

Please, oh God, please, don't let Steve Bornfield, Damon Hodge and Joe Schoenmann write short stories anymore. I lost IQ points reading that crap. The editor (Scott Dickensheets) and Josh Bell can write all they want. Just please don't subject me to drivel like that again.

Brian McLaughlin

Some Thoughts on Stem Cell Research, Although Without Speculation on How They Can Help Hillary Duff Fans

Bush is the first president to force his religion on the American people. In every major issue that has previously been off limits, unconstitutionally Bush has stepped over the line and forced his religion onto public policy, draining public-school funds for private-school vouchers, taxpayer funding of faith-based initiatives and in stem cell research.

The Bush machine distorts the facts by saying that he was the first president to fund embryonic stem cell research. Stem cell research was clearly on going and funded prior to Bush. If embryonic stem cell lines didn't already exist, how could Bush limit funds to only existing lines. Embryonic stem cell research only became a controversy because of Bush's religious decision to not allow research to continue with new cell lines.

Although under ideal conditions there may be some potential for these embryos to survive, the facts are that even under ideal conditions most do not survive. These embryos cannot survive without a long list of conditions, beginning with being implanted into a womb. Without the first, none of following will happen. Even if implanted, the survival is not guaranteed, as the success rate is low.

More human embryos are lost every day than would be required to restart new uncontaminated cell lines for this highly promising field of research.

Since they have to make excess embryos in fertility clinics so that they can have many chances to implant sufficient supplies due to the high rate for loss. Being excess embryos from human fertility clinics, they are scheduled to be discarded. Instead of wasting this potential life, this life can be saved and used to save even more lives. This is very similar to organ donation, only the donation is just a few cells.

It has nothing to do with killing. It is preventing killing while helping to save lives and improve the quality of life of the living.

Bush's wrong view and wrong analysis looks at this as akin to abortion, when in fact it is exactly the opposite. It is saving both the life of the embryonic cell and offers the potential to help save many other lives.

Wrong religious analysis shouldn't stand in the way of doing the right thing for medicine. When politicians make decisions based upon their mistaken scientific and religious belief, there is a high likelihood that they will get it wrong. Just as Bush has gotten it wrong again by not allowing medical progress based upon keeping these embryonic stem cells alive. Wouldn't you want your offspring alive and help other people's lives in the process?

Myron Berney

A Cry of Alarm About the Future of America, in the Form of Three Letters About Hillary Duff

By way of demonstrating that there are portents of the future at least as dire as anything that can happen in next week's election, we're running these letters—from Hillary Duff fans angry over Josh Bell's Oct. 7 review of her film Raise Your Voice—as they were sent to us, unedited. America, these are the doctors, legislators and fast-food franchise managers of your future!

uu suck.... i hate u as do many many Hilary Duff Fans ....that was the worst review i have ever heard... Raise Your Voice Is a wikkid movie...

Even ppl who r NOT fans of Hialry Duff agree.. you are abusing ur rites as a write to dis someone u dont like.....ur review shows u r jelouse of Hialry Duff and her Fame....Shes only 17 and already after acheaving so much....she dont need jerks like u going around saying such horable things about her....she is a great actor and is lucky ur not the review for all her movies....

we dont need ppl like u out there dising as bad as that..it was harsh and i hope Hilary Didnt read ur horable review.....

u should put out a public sorry to her for such a horable review....it was to harsh.......and i hope u lose ur job.

Pissed Hilary Duff Fan

Editor's note: This is a joke, right? Someone please rip aside the veil of satire and tell us this is a sly parody of a clueless teenybopper instead of an actual clueless teenybopper.

in your site you have insulted hilary duff, I know you have the right of "freedom of speech". but what you have done is intolerable, you said it as if it was true, I think you know better


Editor's note: OK, OK, joke's over. Fess up, clever parodist!

Your article on Hillary Duff was so stupid I couldn't read the whole thing without gagging!!! I don't know what you have agenst Hillary but you need to stop. She is not a bad actress, singer, or wrighter. You must not have any since at all if you don't think so. Hillary ROCKS. You are an insult to all writers!


Editor's note: Three exclamation points at once—the inarguable mark of sincerity. So these aren't parody letters. Ack!

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