PSYCHIC VIEW: Massaging the Problem

Masseur-to-be seeks helpful message



with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

A policeman knocks on my door and arrests me for murder. I know right away he thinks I killed some little girl I apparently know in the dream. I tell him I didn't do it, that I love her so much. I realize I have to go to jail and will be found guilty, even though I didn't do it. I'm so frustrated that I wake up.

Paulette, 59

Lauri: The police slap on the cuffs in our dreams when it's time to end or "arrest" some harmful behavior or bad situation in our waking life. What's going on that needs to stop? You're being accused of murder. What have you recently "killed off" in your life? Children in dreams—if they don't belong to us in waking life—often symbolize our "inner child," our fun-loving, carefree, silly self. Have you not allowed yourself any fun lately? Have you been working and stressing too much? Going to jail indicates you feel confined and held back. The frustration you felt in your dream is due to some frustrating and confining situation in your waking life—something from which you need to "free yourself!"

Paulette replies: Your response made me cry. I've been extremely stressed on a new job and it's caused my happy self to be really crabby. Thank you for the enlightenment.

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg's website is

I'm 46 and drive an airport shuttle here in Las Vegas. I work the extra board, so I never know from one day to the next what my schedule will be. On a typical workday, I'll move over 100 passengers, each of whom has two or three bags that frequently weigh in excess of 75 pounds. I spend five or six days per week for 10 hours-plus breathing diesel fumes.

For seven years, I was OK with these conditions, but last week, taking a leap of faith, I enrolled in massage school. My wife of 10 years is a massage therapist, and we could take continuing education training together, and increase our common ground. She has already taught me a great deal of what I'll need to learn.

Classes start in nine days. I need a job with a set daytime schedule, preferably without taking a cut in pay. I've been surfing the Internet for valet and food-server positions. But classes start soon and I still haven't gotten a new job (or even turned in my notice on my present position). My first instinct is to change my school start date to October and spend time lining up the right work situation. Should I put off starting classes for 10 weeks? What do you see as my best path?


Dear GM,

Today, call and register with at least five temporary staffing companies so you're eligible to be "placed" by the end of this week. Tell them you can work any daytime schedule and you're looking for a long-term assignment. It also bodes well to tell them you're training for a new career and need your evenings free for school.

If you delay beginning this schooling, I'm afraid you'll find some other concern to keep you from changing everything when the decision comes around again in 10 weeks. You're at the point where you have to commit to doing whatever is necessary to make your life better. (I don't want you around exhaust fumes, either). I see you working a total of three assignments—the first two will be for a few weeks at a time and the last one will be for as long as you want it to be (i.e., until you're done with school). I see the third, long-term assignment happening no later than November.

This is also the time to call in any favors with anyone you've helped in the past. You've received a major card of Justice and Breakthrough. Stay committed to changing your life because there is a huge amount of spiritual support available to you right now.

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I read your article in the Weekly every week. I was wondering if you saw in the near future any luck with my current relationship and if you saw kids? He has a son from a previous relationship and I love him as if he were my own, but frankly, I want to have my own. I've had a lot of female problems and all the tests say I'm fine, but I have yet to conceive!

Mommy Wannabe

Dear Wannabe,

I see kids for you when you're married. The cards say your current man is against having any more children and he's probably tried to tell you that in the nicest way he knows how—as a matter of fact, I see this issue irritates him. If you really want your own kids, I recommend finding a man who wants them as much as you do and please do this in the correct order:

1. Find good man.

2. Marry good man.

3. Have children with good man.

Children are not "things to have." Children (and spouses) are probably the most significant spiritual commitment we choose because we choose them consciously in each lifetime. An empowered woman chooses the co-provider or spouse of the household carefully, and not just because they happen to be available.

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Mona Van Joseph is a licensed professional in the psychic arts through the city of Las Vegas. Her show, Midnights with Mona, airs weeknights on KDWN 720 AM. You may e-mail questions to [email protected].

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