Josh Bell

The Spanish-language debut of Colombian-born actor Leguizamo takes full advantage of his multi-cultural status, casting him as an American reporter for a Miami-based Spanish-language TV news program. Leguizamo's Manolo is in Ecuador with his producer (Watling) and cameraman tracking a child killer known as "the Monster." Manolo and his team stop an angry mob from killing Bible salesman Vinicio (Alcazar), and soon they are caught up in Vinicio's web of secrets and lies about the mysterious killer.

A mix of murder mystery and treatise on journalistic ethics, Cronicas sometimes strikes an uneasy balance between sensationalism and sober reflection. In that way, it's a lot like its protagonist, who has a hard time reconciling his desire to seek justice with his desire to seek ratings. Manolo is a complex, troubled character, and Leguizamo, in contrast to his many over-the-top comedic performances, plays him with dark intensity and layered depth.

The film's media commentary isn't exactly new, and its murder mystery really isn't, either. But writer-director Cordero combines the two in an intriguing, sometimes unexpected way, and isn't afraid to take his characters into some pretty dark places. For the most part, it's worth following them.

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