3 Questions with Dame Edna

Julie Seabaugh

The Australian-born megastar (and Barry Humphries' alter-ego) hopes the house isn't full during her run at the Luxor as she prefers "doing an intimate show," but loyal possums will have a hard time staying away.

Do you plan to do a bit of gambling while you're here?

No, I don't gamble. ... Have you ever looked in the pawnshops? Aren't they tragic? Crutches, neck braces, children's toys, babies' clothing!

And do you know, I was in Atlantic City, which I can assure you is Chernobyl by the sea. And in Atlantic City, I saw a pawnshop, and there was an artificial leg in the window! Isn't that terrible? And a colostomy bag! It had been used, but it fortunately had been sterilized. It shows the lengths people will go to. But I mean to bring luck to the Luxor. That's my motto.

Are there any surprises planned?

My show will be a very happy one .... But I mean to let you in on a little secret. I have been asked by someone in the United States if I was interested in starting a religion: the Church of Edna. Of course, there would be tax advantages for people. And we'd have secret signs, just like Tom Cruise and John Travolta have. People would know you're a memeber of the Church of Edna just by a little handshake or a look that you'd give them. Isn't that nice?

Would people be worshipping you?

No, I'd be helping others, which is what I do. ... I've always wanted to bring my Tony Award-winning show to your little oasis. And now that's going to happen. ...

A lot of people give gifts at Christmas; I'm giving myself. ... I don't need the money. I'm a wealthy woman. I'm doing it because I really care about the people of Vegas. They're sick of spectaculars. They're sick of lions eating people. They want to see a human being up there. And I'm going to sock it to them, honey.

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