Heavens Above

Martha Woodworth


with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

A tree fell on my house. I knew I'd have to leave because the foundation was moving away from the side of the hill it was positioned into. For the first time in my life I'd have to file an insurance claim. I knew the house was a total loss.

Grisela, 55

Lauri: Houses symbolize the self, your state of mind, even your body. Since your dream house needs repair, are there parts of you, emotional or physical, needing repair? Trees represent family. Are there issues caused by family? Just as you give up your house in your dream, what do you have to give up in life? The insurance claim symbolizes the insurance you have in friends and family. You need their strength now. This dream's message: Despite what you have to give up, you've got a strong support system to compensate. When one door closes, another opens.

Grisela replies: Your interpretation was very helpful. At the time of the dream, I caught a cold from my grandson, which turned into acute bronchitis. Also, I was thinking about moving closer to family since I'm single and getting older. The dream helped me make that decision with confidence before someone has to make it for me down the road.

LQL's website is thedreamzone.com.

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg's website is thedreamzone.com

(March 21-April 20)

A New Moon in Sagittarius today (Thursday) seems an auspicious way to approach the New Year, especially for fire signs. Speak about getting off to a fresh start! 2006 looks great for rams, who are compatible or simply neutral with most of the major planetary positions throughout the year. One (hopefully pleasant) possibility is that you inherit money or receive large insurance settlements. In any case, positive financial dealings are highlighted. I thought you'd be pleased. Love: comes naturally; Career: upwardly mobile; Health: improves steadily.

(April 21-May 21)

New Year's Eve, Moon's in earth sign Capricorn trining Mars and sextiling Jupiter, a frisky combo that really makes a party swing. As for 2006, two eclipses, one in March, another in October, indicate a possible career change. Love, sex and personal transformation engage your attention, as well as health concerns regarding your energy, which may flag due to heavy obligations to family and work. A visiting relative from a foreign land could show up, and Love: plays a larger role this year. Career: you asked for it; Health: pace yourself.

(May 22-June 21)

The first week of 2006 favors you because it's in air (Aquarius), and Tuesday's the optimal day to begin laying the groundwork for all the incredible changes due in the next 12 months. Areas of magnitude for Geminis will be: tightening up communications skills and strategies for career advancement; learning to focus, simplify and prioritize; increasing your social network; learning more about optimizing your energy and health. It's also a year for Geminis to meet—and bond with—their soul mates. Love: be open to it; Career: lucky; Health: study up.

(June 22-July 22)

Last August, when Saturn moved out of Cancer and into Leo, your way was paved for a great 2006. Life bubbled and boiled over when the planet of discipline and challenges was in your sign, but you'll feel cool and breezy now that the hot, dry siege is over. Still, all the problems you encountered in the past three years have led you to a brilliant spiritual path, and you will never again feel as lonely or depressed as you once did. Enjoy the pleasant ride. You've earned it. Love: sure to happen this year; Career: celebrate your accomplishments; Health: miraculous.

(July 23-Aug. 23)

Saturn is in Leo until September, 2007, so you'll be prey to some frustrations throughout the duration. It's not a constant condition, and, depending on your individual birth astrology, may be helpful to you. For instance, if Saturn trines, conjuncts or sextiles one of your major planets, it could have the effect of slowing you down and, in the long run, more successful. On a day like today (Thursday), while the Moon's in Sagittarius and conjuncting Mercury and Pluto, you could feel royally mellow. Love: listen carefully; Career: ditto; Health: stroll.

(Aug. 24-Sept. 22)

2005 was about work and finances; this year it will be about intellectual and spiritual expansion. You will go through major changes on several fronts: health, home and family, and spiritual path. The last can help with all the others. If you are willing to take inner growth slowly, and accept that it is the key to enjoying life, everything else will fall into place. A new practice of prayer, meditation or spiritual recovery can guarantee you Happy New Years for the rest of your life. Love: all around you; Career: do what you love; Health: go within.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

On New Year's Day, Venus leaves your sign for Capricorn, which isn't the worst news for you, since the love planet is currently retrograde. This spells relief for you; romantic snafus of recent weeks will be bad dreams you barely remember. Still, this won't be a big year socially for you. You're more likely to focus on work and money. Life has become more prosperous over past months and will continue to improve throughout 2006. Money management is the key to making your garden grow. Love: content; Career: communicate in new ways; Health: respect it.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion, is in Scorpio until November, 2006, and it trines Uranus, planet of sudden changes, in water sign Pisces. Wherever Jupiter is, things are bigger (and usually better). The fat planet is now sitting on your Sun (and very possibly your Mercury and Venus as well, depending on the degrees of these planets when you were born). You should experience many pleasant windfalls and opportunities. You'll be sorry if you take them for granted, because it won't happen again for 12 years. Love: grab the gold ring; Career: ditto; Health: safe.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)

Moon in Sagittarius today (Thursday) conjuncts Mercury and Pluto (you'll look credible and take charge). New Year's Eve brings out a responsible Capricorn Moon, so if you were planning on going crazy—I don't think so. Still, you'll wake up happy you didn't have that sixth margarita. 2006 is crying out for big changes in your life. You've been tested for years with Pluto, planet of power, in your sign, so you are now (or should soon emerge) a spectac-ularly evolved human being. Love: gets you; Career: you always land on your feet; Health: you're fit and fabulous.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 20)

New Year's Eve takes place under a Capricorn Moon, which also trines Mars (for some classy action), sextiles Jupiter (for luck) and conjuncts Pluto (you'll look good and know it). Monday, Venus enters Capricorn, and it's retrograde. Take romantic problems with a grain of salt; they should straighten out when Venus goes direct February 3. You've been fortunate in recent years, so in 2006 you'll focus on helping others attain their goals. Love: it's time to share, so give it your all; Career: you're entitled to crow a little; Health: you glow.

(Jan. 21-Feb. 18)

New Year's Day (Sunday), Moon's in Aquarius, and Venus, which has been in your sign and retrograde, enters Capricorn. The love planet no longer back-pedaling in your sign is an auspicious way to begin 2006, especially since the coming year promises to deliver many lessons about love and relationships. Also, it should be a great year for money and career; in fact, 2006 looks to be as fortunate as it gets for water-bearers everywhere. Love: demonstrate gratitude; Career: frees you up; Health: if you haven't had one recently, a thorough physical is in order.

(Feb. 19-March 20)

You'll experience some serious smooching at midnight, as Moon and Venus in Capricorn conjunct and trine Mars, sextile Jupiter and conjunct Pluto. In 2006, Uranus in Pisces continues to send more surprising changes. Your lessons have to do with learning that material security is basically an illusion. If any sign is capable of under-standing this, it's mystical Pisces. You're being tested, no mistake about it, but you have the spiritual intelligence to make straight A's. Love: gotta be friendship, too; Career: you're admired; Health: you always come back.

Martha Woodworth is a Las Vegas psychic and astrologer. For inquiries about private readings, e-mail her at [email protected] or call 866-6682.

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