Heavens Above

Martha Woodworth

(March 21-April 20)

With Mars in Aries and Moon in Leo this weekend, you're hotter than a Las Vegas July. You're either screaming "Leave me alone!" or "Pay attention, everybody!" You're consumed by your ambitions and want the world to know it. Believe in yourself. Your current compulsion to ram ahead will pay off. You don't want to stop yourself now, because Saturn enters Leo July 16, when you'll feel less rambunctious. Just ... keep ... the ... decibel ... level ... down, please! Love: raucous; Career: tight; Health: you gotta sleep sometime.

(April 21-May 21)

It's a mixed bag Monday and Tuesday, as Moon in Virgo sextiles Sun and Saturn (good for business and planning). It also opposes Uranus and Neptune, and squares Pluto and Mars (surprises, insecurities, power trips). Since it happens in earth tones, you'll handle the tough spots, looking professional and clever. Here's how: Don't give away too much. Let the other side do the yakking. Smile pleasantly and pretend you never heard this little piece of (outside) advice. Love: helpful; Career: keep cool; Health: stay calm.

(May 22-June 21)

The weekend's easy, since you'll sextile Moon in Leo. Hanging out in the lion's den is easy for a Gemini. If there's a sudden flap, you just rise above it. Do you have your party outfit picked out? Gold and white will make you look rich. Add a touch of black for intrigue. Cut a swath through Sunday and then lay back until Wednesday, when the Moon in Libra conjuncts Jupiter and the connections you made over the weekend call back with good news. Love: homing in; Career: progressing; Health: bend and stretch.

(June 22-July 22)

July 7 is your moment, as the Moon in your sign sextiles Neptune and conjuncts Saturn. It means you can pull rabbits out of hats and pull off a great business deal. When Saturn leaves Cancer on July 16, you'll be doing cartwheels in the sand and planning your around-the-world trip and coming coronation. OK, maybe I'm exaggerating, but that's how it will feel. You'll be reborn, a shiny new crab, aboveground and ready for action! Love: celebrate it; Career: pumped; Health: clearing.

(July 23-Aug. 23)

You could find the world in your lair this weekend, so don't say "Party!" unless you want a crowd, especially on Saturday, when Moon in Leo trines Mars, and Pluto conjuncts Venus. Continuing fireworks will be fun, and you'll roar with pleasure (or wish you hadn't sent so many invites). Enjoy it. When Saturn comes a-calling on July 16, you'll suddenly get serious, and people will wonder what happened to their host-with-the-most as the frivolous fun dries up. Love: get it on; Career: percolatin'; Health: you'll purr.

(Aug. 24-Sept. 22)

Monday and Tuesday should be two great days for you, in terms of career success and professional savvy. If you're angling for a job, it's an ideal window of opportunity. But don't let anyone take advantage of you. With the Moon in your sign squaring Neptune on Tuesday, you'll want to make sure you've got a contract firmly in hand and the written guarantee of a bonus. They'll be glad they gave it to you because you're going to make them look good. Love: it's power; Career: go for it; Health: lose the fear.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

The Moon and Jupiter in Libra conjunct on Wednesday. (It's like those desk toys with silver spheres. You push one to set the others in motion.) Jupiter's the big planet of getting everything you want, and it's in your sign until October 27. It can bring more than you want, so be careful what you wish for. You may have to sit back and observe as fire and earth Moons leave you cold the next few days, but you'll need time anyway to plot your strategy for fame and fortune. Love: call Wednesday; Career: ditto; Health: veg.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

Make the most of today, while the Moon's in Cancer and Mars sextiles dreamy Neptune. Yes, your dreams come true. Manifest them by writing your wish list this very minute. I'll wait while you do it. Write the list every day, refining and expanding it (something of a challenge this weekend, as you'll be squaring a Leo Moon). Don't be hard on yourself. You have astrological permission to scribble, nap and snack your way through Sunday. Love: changing; Career: they want you; Health: keep a low profile this week.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)

You've been on a roll, and it won't let up anytime soon, with the Moon in fire sign Leo through early Sunday. Have a ball roaming the world in search of love and money and whatever else your heart desires, because the Moon will also conjunct Venus (l'amour) and Mercury ($), and on Saturday it trines Mars (action) and Pluto (power) in your sign. And you thought you'd stay home catching up on your reading this weekend. Think again. Love: give lots of hugs; Career: run with it; Health: high energy.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 20)

Expect career surprises on Monday, as the Moon in detail-oriented Virgo opposes quirky Uranus. An annoying client you've secretly wished would go elsewhere may do just that. (Wish I had someone to warn me about these things.) Just kidding. It'll be a satisfying day as the Moon also sextiles a practical yet feeling (Cancer) Sun. In your cool office with an iced drink at hand, you'll easily convince new clients to buy what you're selling. Also present: a piece of cake. Love: gentle; Career: easy; Health: enjoy the cake.

(Jan. 21-Feb. 18)

If you've got grand plans, may I suggest implementing them Wednesday, when the Moon in Libra conjuncts Jupiter? All air signs can take the check to the bank that day, and, according to astro-lore, it will feed them for 12 years. Jupiter is the planet of luck and expansion. The good news is you'll have permission to spread the joy, and some will call you a hotshot. The bad news: Since it's July, you'll want to avoid coming off as hot air. Love: you've been noticed; Career: pivotal; Health: super.

(Feb. 19-March 20)

You've had a pleasant couple of days since the festivities died down and the Moon entered Cancer. Yesterday, the Moon also trined Mercury for success and personal sharing, as you're no doubt aware. Things dry up a bit the rest of the week, with the Moon in fire, earth and air. So coast on the knowledge that Saturn leaves Cancer next Saturday, when the Moon's in Scorpio. The tides will rise in your favor once again, finding you truly in your element. Love: let it comfort you; Career: go easy with it; Health: glide.

Martha Woodworth is a Las Vegas psychic and astrologer. For inquiries about private readings, e-mail her at [email protected] or call 866-6682.

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