Heavens Above

Martha Woodworth

(March 21-April 20)

You've been sprung from a prison of self-doubt. Creative ideas abound, and you're so jazzed you want to leap for joy. Still, the old baggage from a bleak winter trails on. Should you send out your book proposal one more time, though 10 agents called it "sophomoric"? Can it be that the job you turned down to follow your (foolish) heart is still available? Are you looking better than ever? Yes, yes, yes! You had a lot to learn, and you learned it. Congratulations, Rambo. You just rode the Wheel to the top. Love: beckoning; Career: trailblazing; Health: strrrong.

(April 21-May 21)

Those annoying matadors have left the ring. You can stop seeing red and strut your stuff before an admiring crowd, El Toro. You own the arena, with Mercury, planet of thought and speech, entering your sign. This is your month, so preen a little. A bull in pink birthday ribbons is adorable, and I hope you're aware that Taurus is the sign of beauty. Others may look on in envy, but you're way overdue in the rewards department. Do yourself a favor: Since life is about to become particularly pleasant for you, take a load off and par-tee! Love: delicious; Career: stay open to receive; Health: robust.

(May 22-June 21)

Since this is my first Weekly column, I hereby inform readers that I am a Gem myself. It's also the last time I'll reveal that fact, so regular readers might want to take note to see if I seem to favor my sign. Here's what's going on for the Divine Twins: It's an ongoing roller-coaster ride that shows no signs of letting up. Remember those gals at the Stratosphere left dangling over the boulevard in the high desert wind? That describes our present condition to a "T"! The good news: Venus is in town and she's offering a free pass to just about every show on Earth. Also, we can see forever, and the coast is way clear! Love: supercalifrajalisticexpialadotious; Career: crackling; Health: sound

(June 22-July 22)

The Moon, in its joy in Cancer, is beaming down on you today and through the weekend. It's something of a bluegrass festival on the beach, with legs and fiddles flying. Just be careful you don't lose your wallet (or your dignity) to unscrupulous tricksters with pretty shells. They can sense your soft, white underbelly and your nice apartment. Money's on the down-low with Jupiter in a lunar square. It's not comfortable, 'cause you want that new sofa and tinted contacts more than anything! But crabs are wickedly good at burying what they hope the world won't see. I know you always keep a little stash under the sand castle. Love: cunning; Career: simmering; Health: humming right along.

(July 23-Aug. 23)

Monday, Monday, can't trust that day. You'll be a puppet, a poet, a pauper, a peasant, a clown and a king. You'll be up, down, over and out, but I know one thing: You will gain power this week, thanks to a nice trine (that's a gift) in Pluto that sets in even before you get out of bed. If you clash with competitive co-workers, you'll end up on top. The Moon's in your sign and you're golden. You look important to the People In Charge. They know you're who they want for the job, so go for it. Oh, and while you're at it: Do it your way (as if there were any other way, pussycat). Love: purring; Career: waiting to be picked up; Health: grrreat.

(Aug. 24-Sept. 22)

Tuesday finds you wondering what went wrong with the affair. Was it your fault? His fault? Her fault? And why can't you ever seem to have it all going on for you at once? Work, for instance, is working. The Moon in Virgo will make everybody "get" that you're smart, insightful, a truly dependable power-broker. Business is pouring in. Several cash cows you thought were lost forever just wandered back into the pasture. But that relationship you thought was going to be "It" has fizzled. Maybe your pocket calculator (and the one in your head) drove it away. You can be exacting, Virgo. love: give it a (second) chance; Career: aw'right; Health: pamper it.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

Tuesday and Wednesday are dazzling. But in general, you feel like the mojo still isn't quite working. That's because Jupiter in your sign is in retrograde. It goes direct on June 5. Then there'll be no stopping you, Heaven help us! Libras will stampede toward the peachy sunset, dragging their sweethearts along for that perfect, romantic moment when they can propose in Libra style: "You can be my wife/husband now. It's time." You aren't called "cardinal" for nothing. Did you really think you were going to let them propose? You only appear demure, my self-determined friend. Love: on hold; Career: serviceable; Health: rosy.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

A playmate abandoned the field, leaving you alone and sad. Look around. New candidates are waiting: your cute neighbor; the friendly postal worker with your Pottery Barn catalogue; and the shy librarian (a secret hottie). Then there's the best friend you take for granted, who knows what films you like and never abuses the clicker. Directions: Put on your brightest lipstick. Go to your mirror and kiss your lovely image. Leave the imprint there for several days, and every time you see it say, "I love you, you brilliant, struggling Scorpio!" (For makeup-challenged readers: Just go over to CVS and get Revlon's "Pretty In Pink.") Love: waiting; Career: budding; Health: handle with care.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)

When the moon opposes you, you want to rebel, Sag. It's in your nature to take to higher ground. But perhaps this time you need to stand your ground. Don't paw it. Don't rear and trample. Simply stand there, dignified, knowing that you've got the upper hand ... or hoof, if we must get technical. You are in a very good position to get every single thing you want. You just can't turn tail because "they" don't understand you. Sagittarians are the mavericks of the Zodiac. No one can tell them what to be, do or think. Know this: It doesn't matter anymore. Unconditionally loving, with Jupiter for a jockey, you're the winner of the spiritual Derby. Love: a given; Career: anything you want; Health: preserve it.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 20)

Llife is kind to you now. I know one goat who finally got her book of poems published; another who, despite her negativity and judgmental ways, barricaded herself in her house and finished the novel she's been writing for eight years. Some of us thought if we had to hear about her "burden" once more we'd tie tin cans to her tail and serenade her with bagpipe music. (Cappys love to be bugged. Only kidding.) You're going places you've only dreamed of. The beach house, the cruise, the castle in Spain; it's all waiting. Your only task, hard worker, is to realize you've made it. Love: companionable; Career: spooky-good; Health: up for anything.

(Jan. 21-Feb. 18)

This week you'll be trining (happy stuff, with Librans and Geminis) and squaring (challenges, with Leos) everywhere. Material things seemed to slip through your fingers this year, but it's all preparation. You're going up, up, up in your beautiful balloon with wisdom and understanding. You are not the type to crave designer clothes and gourmet meals. However, you will be rewarded in the coming months with lots of goodies. Expect a big check in the mail. Love: around and about; Career: bountiful; Health: near-perfect.

(Feb. 19-March 20)

Have you ever seen a fish swim backward? That's what you've been asked to do on several occasions, and it's irksome. In the next few days you'll proceed undisturbed, and then you can get back to dreaming your huge dreams. For you, success lies in writing down everything you want, then closing your eyes and seeing it come true. If you do this every day, you will never feel deprived again. And when the tsunamis come, and the divers, and the submarines, you will float by effortlessly, waving your fins at them, noblesse oblige. You're about to get the edge. Love: charming; Career: easy; Health: don't get overtired.

Martha Woodworth, Las Vegas astrologer and psychic, is the founder of the Psychic Learning Center and does private readings by telephone, e-mail and in-person. Reach her at 866-6682 or lasvegaspsychic.netfirms.com.

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