The Next 100

In a mere century, we built the weirdest city in the world. Where on Earth do we go from here?

Greg Blake Miller

Let us begin by saying that we love this town. And we're very secure in our love for this town. And this town is very secure in its knowledge that our love for it will endure, because here at the Weekly, if we love you, we love you forever. But it's not that kind of love, the sappy kind where you have to run out getting flowers for, say, someone's 100th birthday just to let them know you care. Our love is deeper than flowers, which often have shallow roots and can be dug up by cats. So what we're going to do is nag.

We've gathered together some of the city's leading minds, or at least the dyspeptic people who hang around the office after hours—people who, by the way, can't agree about anything except how much they love Las Vegas—and we've instructed them to be brutally honest about how our city can be even better at 200 than it is at 100. So, dear Vegas, let us begin. And no, you don't look fat. But you'll have to remove that thing on your chin.

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