Heavens Above

Martha Woodworth


with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I had this pain in the top left side of my right ring finger, and to my horror, there were earwigs (pincher bugs) that had entered my finger through a small hole. I assumed they were eating my flesh from the inside. I had to pull out two of them, slowly, so they wouldn't break and stay inside my finger. I pulled out two live ones, and two dead ones. AAAAK!

Sheri, 35

Lauri: AAAK indeed! What has really "bugged" you lately? This dream comments on a situation you need to "exterminate" immediately! The ring finger is usually about a commitment, so perhaps this is a clue. Do you feel obligated to someone or something you'd rather not deal with? This dream says it's is time to get this situation out of your life.

Sheri replies: Wow! It's funny because I've committed to recording vocals with a new band and at the time of the dream I was very burned-out from recording over several weeks without a "break." I felt I needed time to myself, and wasn't getting any. So I told the band I wasn't feeling well (somewhat true), and got the quality time alone I needed. Thank you so much. That dream really had me freaked out!

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg's website is thedreamzone.com

(March 21-April 20)

Things to be thankful for: your warrior perseverance; self-sufficiency; passionate beliefs; self-awareness; stamina. In the coming weeks you'll be especially grateful for the goodies that come your way when the Sun is in your element. This is the Sagittarian month, and it warms all three fire signs. Enjoy the feast! Love: don't take your partner for granted; Career: my tarot cards are telling me that you have the talent and strength to go the extra mile; Health: yes, sweet potatoes are loaded with carbs, but for heaven's sake, for one day—dive in!

(April 21-May 21)

Taureans can be thankful that Mars is in their sign right now (though it's retrograde, it will go direct December 9), offering advancement for a minimum of application. Also, you will never be homeless, destitute or without something nice in the refrigerator or cupboard, and you're good-looking, too. Thanksgiving Day nurtures earth signs, since Moon's in Virgo (through Friday night and early Saturday morning, so you should be in for some fairly choice leftovers). Love: toast each other on approaching good luck; Career: you're currently promotable; Health: share the pie.

(May 22-June 21)

You'll be thankful this week, as Moon in Libra sextiles Saturn (helping you accomplish something you've been putting off) and trines Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius. Expect a surprise visitor, stimulating dreams, or a call from a fascinating character from the past. Be thankful for your clever and sparkling mind that will never, ever grow old. (However, Mercury, your ruling planet, is retrograde until December 3, so try not to forget how sharp you'll soon be again.) Love: sits next to you at the table; Career: share ideas; Health: appreciate everything.

(June 22-July 22)

Tuesday, water sign Scorpio trines Uranus for an emotional roller-coaster ride that leaves you breathless but thrilled when it ends. Someone will challenge you, and you will rise to the occasion. The result will be a win-win situation. Wednesday looks like the "Abundance" card in my tarot deck: pouring fountains of joy and happiness, reminding you to be thankful for the people who truly love you, and for your ability to love them back. Love: call someone who hasn't heard from you in ages; Career: doing well; Health: another item to add to your "gratitude" list.

(July 23-Aug. 23)

Saturn's in your sign, and it's retrograde (so is Mercury, to December 3), but don't let minor delays and snafus keep you from enjoying your holiday and counting your blessings. You're a loyal friend, generous to a fault, focused, gifted and successful. If anyone should question your dominance in the jungle this week (especially Thanksgiving Day), just hoist your drumstick and give 'em the bird. Love: be gentle; Career: on the rise; Health: you know that walk around the block you always take after Thanksgiving dinner? Go another block.

(Aug. 24-Sept. 22)

You're ruled by Mercury, planet of thought, and it's retrograde until December 3, so you might be fending off mental cobwebs and even speaking with tax and bill collectors until then. When Merc goes direct the stress vanishes, and you'll wonder if it was all just a bad dream. You can be thankful for a Virgo Moon today (November 24)) and for your deeply analytical mind, not to mention (according to "Prudence," the tarot card I drew for you) a reserve in your bank account for balky moments like these. Love: celebrate it; Career: has your back. Health: don't gobble.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

Sunday, Moon's in Libra, sextiles Saturn, trines Uranus and Neptune, and sextiles Pluto, so prepare to be deluged with a pinata of goodies, (a pre-Christmas bonus from the Great Turkey). Yes, there's a square with Venus, but as long as you don't lunge at a potential soul mate, you'll be fine. Luckily, Librans tend to be models of decorum (more to be thankful for). Of course, Mercury is retro-grade, so things can get cloudy for air signs. For the most part, your life's as good as it gets this week. Love: savor the flavors; Career: ditto; Health: chew slowly.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

Monday to Wednesday, Moon's in Scorpio. Mercury enters your sign Saturday, meaning that others will be feelng and thinking a lot like you this week. You'll enjoy Thanksgiving, flirting with visitors from near and far, or casting a steady gaze across the buffet turkey at your delicious date. You've got a lot to be grateful for: your sex appeal, savvy and empathetic nature, not to mention the fact that Jupiter's in your sign all year. Celebrate it with humility and prudence, and you'll rake in the profits. Love: talk's sexy; Career: on "go"; Health: be choosey.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)

Mercury leaves Sagittarius this weekend and enters Scorpio. Ordinarily, that would be a disappointment for you; however, since Mercury's retrograde (a mental backslide), why not let Scorpio take the heat? Not only that, but the Sun is now in Sag, and your birthday's either come and gone or about to happen (in the coming several weeks). Be sure to be grateful this week for your ability to love others unconditionally, your spiritual nature, and your affection for animals, travel and the whole truth. Love: all the way; Career: bright; Health: charmed.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 20)

Thanksgiving belongs to earth signs this week, as Moon's in Virgo, sextiles Jupiter, trines Mars and conjuncts Mercury, for a thrilling holiday of good fortune with people you've missed popping back into your life. You're pleasantly surprised to find out that old hurts have been forgiven and forgotten, and you'll finally be able to forgive yourself. Give thanks for your perseverance, resourcefulness and sense of responsibility. Without Capricorns, how would we know right from wrong? Love: take graciously; Career: you get what you need; Health: blessed.

(Jan. 21-Feb. 18)

Saturday, with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio (which squares you) you could feel blah mentally, but the Moon in fellow air sign Libra provides a cushion against feeling stuffed from family jibber-jabber (your least favorite kind of talk) and hugs and kisses from people you wouldn't even shake hands with if you weren't related. Still, you can be thankful for this: You're the brainy sign in the zodiac, and possibly the only non-Republican at the table. (You never know these days.) Love: hug a turkey; Career: don't get in the middle; Health: ditto.

(Feb. 19-March 20)

I'm tired of pandering to the liberal press, so just let me say this: Many Pisceans are fine Republicans. I just wanted to express myself politically in this column, which is what you should do Tuesday and Wednesday, as Moon in Scorpio trines Uranus, conjuncts Jupiter and Mercury and sextiles Venus. And this means ...? Be grateful for small blessings, as Thanksgiving opposes you in Virgo. (Try putting up with the turkeys as best you can.) Love: kiss up to the rich ones; Career: speak pleasantly of raising oil prices to Uncle George; Health: oh, go for it, have thirds.

Martha Woodworth is a Las Vegas psychic and astrologer. For inquiries about private readings, e-mail her at [email protected] or call 866-6682.

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