Trailer Review: JUST FRIENDS

Martin Stein

Editor's Note:
Occasionally, movies come out that are so bad, studios refuse to screen them for critics. Other times, the fates simply conspire against us getting to the screening. In either case, here's our take on the trailer.

Think of it as Shallow Harriet. Reynolds plays Chris Brander, a handsome record exec, living the fast life. But his glam existence can't erase his memories of being a fattie in high school and having to suffer with his teenage crush Jamie (Smart) only thinking of him as her best friend.

Returning to his hometown 10 years later with "the world's hottest pop star" on his arm (Faris doing her best Britney impersonation), Brander naturally runs into Jamie and realizes she's still his true love. The expected high jinks ensue, especially after Jamie runs into Dusty (Klein), a foil to Brander's romantic intentions.

We've all been down this road before, but Just Friends appears to have a good heart in its clichéd body. Reynolds and Klein are well cast against, both personifying a wholesome, all-American, nonblond goodness. You wanted a date movie this weekend? You got it.

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