What secrets do your dreams hold?

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I was driving with my ex to a vendor, but ended up at his friend's party. One reason we're no longer together is his friends. I told him I'd go but he wrapped his arms around me, saying he missed me and still loved me. Then this little girl ran up. She had his eyes, and called me Mommy. I woke up bawling.


Lauri: This dream shows that a part of you would like to be back with your ex. Was it he who broke it off? The little girl symbolizes the "rebirth" you'd like with him. The beginning of your dream explains it: You thought you were going to a vendor but wound up at a party, meaning you hoped for emotional "nourishment" but he was more interested in partying. Sound familiar? Would it be worth trying to reconnect with him?

Sunshine replies: He did end it with me. It was hard because we were together so long. He was such a party guy, and I couldn't stand it. He'd do stuff while under the influence that was just not him. You got it on the dot!

LQL's website is thedreamzone.com.

  • Get More Stories from Thu, Feb 2, 2006
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