Last week, Americans issued a clear mandate for change, and we’ve responded with flying colors.

Scott Dickensheets

We did this partly as a gift to ourselves; in case you didn't see the 70-point cover text, the Weekly turned 8 this year. Because we're watching our girlish figure, new paper and full color were deemed a better celebration than cake. Because, like most writers and editors, we're joyous, social folk who enjoy an occasional cocktail, we're throwing ourselves a party, November 19, in the new Playboy and Moon clubs at the Palms. Because we're animal lovers, we convinced the Playboy peeps to unhutch a bunny for the occasion. That's her, Katie Putnam, on the cover, another girlish figure that bears watching.

But mostly we made these upgrades for you, the reader. Sure, that's what every publication says when it rearranges the furniture, but unlike them, we're not baldfaced liars. There are one or two other things you could be doing in Las Vegas, so, for those who choose to spend time with the Weekly, we figured it would be nice to spruce up a bit. The colored paper is Step 1. Step 2, a moderate redesign, is coming in January, too late for Oscar consideration but still a classy production.

In modern terms, eight years is another way of saying forever, but sometimes it seems as though the calendar has barely flipped since the Weekly crawled from the shed skin of Scope, the great, pioneering magazine of Vegas culture (props to my homey James Reza, Scope's founder). I was there then, freelancing my blab and scribble to Scope one day and, the next, to this new Weekly. Here I am still, and most of it passed in a blur, which I suppose is what happens when you find yourself in the midst of something that grows and changes and acquires its own groove and logic. Viewed from the outside, it probably resembles Stockholm Syndrome, but in here, most of it was fun and rewarding—bunnies help, of course. We trust plenty of that comes through in our pages, and will for the next eight years and beyond. Stick around.

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