Mash Notes, Hate Mail, Urgent Communiqués, Secret Messages, Thesis Pieces

Stan Lee, Stop Messing With the Marvelites!

From your review of Stan Lee's comics ["Spider-Man, Meet Your Maker," October 5]:

"Of course, he did all that over 40 years ago. Of late, Lee's transitioned into an elder statesman role, with most of his writing being of the highly gimmicky variety, like his Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating ... series for lifetime rival DC Comics, and the man himself has become more of a brand name used to add a veneer of legitimacy to superhero ventures. Think Who Wants to Be a Superhero?"

This pretty well sums up what Stan Lee has become ... but not an elder statesman, rather a farce of a once-driving force. The SlyLie Channel's production of Who Wants to be a Superhero? is a crock of crap creation that ranks in the toilet of their other past garbage creations, Dream Team and Mad Mad House. Stan Lee has proven that he's entering senility by putting his name, and face, behind such ridiculous garbage. What he's allowed Hollyweird to do to established Marvel characters (Daredevil, Elektra, Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four) only adds fuel to his growing loss of contact with the long-time fans of these characters.

Lee, with [Jack] Kirby and [Steve] Ditko, created a new world of comics that drew in hundreds of thousands of fans. Many of us Marvelites couldn't wait for the next installment of our favorite character's mag. Lee needs to hang it up and stop screwing around with the Marvel Universe. He's no longer in touch with the fans of Marvel Comics and needs to stop disappointing us.

Aaron Daniels

Why Should I Care if You Can't Speak English?

I was rather annoyed at your little article about Metro not protecting Hispanics ["Can Metro Police a Spanish-Speaking Community?," October 5]. It seemed slanted towards people who I have a hard time sympathizing with.

First, they don't speak English. How is this my fault? If so many crimes go unreported why should we have to hire more Spanish-speaking police officers, instead of citizens learning the language of the homeland they live in? And why should I care about illegals robbing illegals again? If an undocumented worker without a green card keeps his money under his mattress because he can't go to a bank, and thus gets it stolen from him, why should MORE of my tax dollars go to supporting him again? I already pay for his children's school and any emergency room visits they might have ...

I think you'll find that the thinning majority of Americans agree with me. Emphasis on thinning, that is why we have to continually bend to support the growing illegal population and their "needs."

It is a coming economic plague on this country ...



In Which I Actually Write, "Good Job Bringing Yourself to Hang on the Cross, Little Lady"

Regarding your article "I've Been SWF'd" [October 5]:

Some questions for the SWF: Can you steal something that someone is giving away for free? Did you as the publisher copyright your work? What about placing image tags or labels onto the pictures?

Somehow, I doubt that you did—and now you call this person who "stole" your online identity a loser. If you do not take the proper precautions when publishing on the web, things like this happen. You know, just like in real life.

But then, to then contact every one of this person's online friends and bring them into your little drama fest is unprofessional and uncalled-for. How were they involved? Why berate them for something they had no involvement with? I would say for that emotional reaction you are the loser.

Good job bringing yourself to hang on the cross, little lady—but I have seen it time and time again since the AOL folk started getting onto the real Information Superhighway. Your story is no different than any other, and could have easily been prevented if YOU had taken adequate precautions. You did not, and now you are peeved because someone "stole" your pictures, your ideas, your identity? Get over yourself! If you are offering it for free to anyone who reads it (without any precautions being taken), you cannot complain if someone uses it for their own gain. The EFF and other groups have published well-written guidelines for web publishing and bloggers such as yourself—you might want to read those over. It is a crazy ride on that Information Superhighway—be sure to put on your seat belt the next time you want to venture out.

Welcome to the real world, where most people do not care about integrity or ethics, or what the right thing to do is. Oh, wait—it seems you are riding on that same bus and perhaps just as guilty with your reactions to this "impostor." And LV Weekly—shame on you for publishing such misinformed, emo whiny trash to perpetuate the drama fest. Leave the online drama where it belongs, not in your paper.

Forgot to Sign This, Completely Disregarding All of the Regulations That Govern Proper Letter-to-the-Editor Etiquette

In Which I Call People Retards, Losers and White Trash From a Position of Unjustified Superiority

As I was ditching work the other day I stopped by my local Roberto's and read your article "Reviewed!" [September 28]. I was kind of shocked to find that some of your reviewers would make good writers for that retard Glenn Beck. A PETA protest making you want to eat at KFC, lame! Support The Troops no matter what side of the war debate you're on? Where did you learn this propagandist idea, at school while pledging a flag with a pledge that doesn't apply to everyone? Shopping at Wal-Mart at 2:30 a.m., I'll spare you the political rant, but if you are shopping at Wal-Mart at 2:30 a.m. you are a loser with no life, and if you're Caucasian, very white trash. Also I hope saving 2 minutes at the self check out line at the expense of someone's job is really worth it. I don't know why I'm complaining, what else would you expect from a weekly rag that readers vote Olive Garden their favorite Italian restaurant, and Starbucks their favorite coffee house.

Karl Bakla


Joe Schoenmann's article "Party Guy" [September 28] had this exchange:

Joe: "Which you would say is a good thing, right, the pro-choice law?"

Me: "It is."

An audio version would have picked up my inflection, which would have made it clearer that I was not agreeing with Joe's statement. A more complete, correct answer on my part would have been "I am not answering if it is a good thing or a bad thing. It simply is. It is the law in Nevada. Next topic?"

Bob Beers

Nevada State Senate, Dist. 6



In the October 5 listings, Frightdome at Circus Circus was mistakenly identified as Terrordome. The attraction is open through the 31st and is frightening.

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