Dream Zone

DREAM ZONE for Week of Aug. 16-22

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I dreamed I was at someone’s house. A large snake crawled on the sofa and laid on me. I could not move, and no one could help. The owner came in, and the snake crawled down. I went to my car and drove away. The snake was in the floorboards! I got it out. When I started driving the snake was there again but was now a dog and started whining.

–Albert, 63, Hiram, GA

Lauri: For a man, a snake will often represent his own virility and power, his libido. Are you struggling with your libido? Or are you having a power struggle with another man? Your inability to move when the snake is on top of you suggests a lack of will power. Getting in your car means you have decided to go in a different direction and move on from this situation. It is also possible the car is referring to your sex “drive.” But, darn it, just as the snake emerged from the floorboards, this situation seems to keep resurfacing ... and has now transformed into a needy dog, which is pointing to a need for companionship. Is there someone around you who wants to be with you, but you aren’t interested? Or are you the one who wants companionship?

Albert replies: Your interpretation helped me recognize some struggles. At 63 I’m insecure about my libido, probably exacerbated by some loneliness as I have no children and had a relationship with a lady end about two years ago. Thanks for the insight.


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