Dream Zone

Dream Zone for week of Aug. 23-29

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

In my dream I was missing my ex-boyfriend, so I drove around and went to his house. There were tons of cars parked there, and one belonged to this new girl at my work. Why would I miss someone in my dreams that made me miserable?

–Jade, 30, Sandy, UT

Lauri: The new girl at work must have something in common with your ex. In your dream you are missing him because this new co-worker’s presence is bringing it all back to you. You are visiting his house in the dream because his house represents him, his mindset. And now this co-worker has come into your life, and you may find yourself wondering the same things about her that you wondered about him, hence being back at his house and seeing her car. Cars in dreams often symbolize our “drive,” our motivation. Apparently, she and your ex have the same mindset (house) and same motivation (car) for doing what they do. With your boyfriend, you were able to cut him out of your life. It was your choice. But with this co-worker, well, you didn’t choose her. You are kinda stuck with her. So your dreaming mind brought you back to his house (his mindset) so that you can know what kind of person you are dealing with here.

Jade replies: This is very accurate! My ex had some habits like drugs, strip bars, drinking and other women. This new co-worker, oddly enough, has the same habits as him. This helps. Thank you!


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