
City of Nightlife: Where are the women?

Xania Woodman

I knew when I set out to find the iconic figures who designed and now operate the Vegas nightlife machine that I would not be speaking to many women. Vegas’ long history as a boys’ club endures, at least as far as the supreme head-honcho positions in nightlife go. But I encounter very smart, very business-savvy women all the time. They’re just not behind the Big Desks. Not yet, anyway. But keep an eye on these head honchas. -- XW

Natalia Badzjo

VIP host and marketing manager, True Nightlife

“She has great social skills,” raves one colleague. Anyone who’s worked with Natalia has experienced her unbreakable work ethic. Devastating beauty and an ear-tickling Russian-Italian accent don’t hurt, either.

Laine Fust

General manager, Tabu Ultralounge

Observes one co-worker, “She doesn’t wait to find out what anybody else is thinking or if she’s going along with everybody else’s decisions. She just makes her decision and sits with it, and she’s always right.”

Jodi Meyers

VIP host, Jet Nightclub

Wins guests over with her charm and a million-dollar smile. Says one fellow host, “Jodi’s like one of the guys, but she’s better than most of them. Especially in an industry that’s been male-dominated, it’s amazing that she’s one of the elite.”

Brooke Mitchell

Door host, Rain Nightclub

Brooke dives into all fashion-related projects for the N9NE Group, from designing new uniforms to buying products for the Palms’ Stuff store. One nightlife heavyweight declares, “She just gets it.”

Lia Rispoli

President and founder of

One Global Events & Marketing

“She always is doing whatever’s going to be next,” says a source. “She always knows the next thing that’s going to be hot and happening.”

Zarnaz “Zee” Zandi

Sales director, Napkin Nights

Zee sets herself apart by being honest and upfront and by staying in touch with everything that’s going on. As one coworker puts it, “I don’t want to use the word ‘gossip,’ but she’s always in tune with what’s happening in the scene. She’s very good at keeping her finger on the pulse.”

  • Get More Stories from Wed, Aug 29, 2007
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