Las Vegas


Vegas’ TCF: No longer HBO’s Sole Fest in the West?

Vegas’ TCF: No longer HBO’s Sole Fest in the West?

As Georg Szalai reports in today’s Hollywood Reporter, HBO’s annual U.S. Comedy Festival is pulling up stakes from its 13-year-home of Aspen, Colorado.

“A spokeswoman for HBO said no decision has been made yet on the festival's new location, any potential name changes or possible new dates.

However, Santa Barbara is in contention, she confirmed a report in the Denver Post, along with other West Coast locations. ‘We are looking at various locations, none of them snow locations,’ the spokeswoman said.

The annual Aspen outing usually took place in late February and/or early March, according to sources. However, the festival is likely to be pushed back to set it apart from HBO's newer The Comedy Festival in Las Vegas in November, according to sources. Spring/summer dates for the event are likely.

Its focus could also be changed slightly. ‘Emerging artists will still be the festival's focus,’ the HBO spokeswoman said. However, she did acknowledge that it could also add some more consumer-focused events in addition to the industry-focused emerging talent. The Vegas extravaganza is mainly about big established talent with a strong draw.”

Kudos to HBO for striving to add “more consumer-focused events;” hopefully that ambition will rub off on the festival’s Vegas counterpart as well. Aside from a sponsor-stuffed tent outside of Caesars, where the 2-year-old November festival is exclusively held, there's very little in the way of auxiliary events or audience interaction. The herd-‘em-in, herd-‘em out vibe inherent in the Coliseum and ballroom shows could be greatly offset by more parties, films, panels and different/smaller venues. Here’s hoping that as the fest matures, so will its scope.

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