Further reading

Josh Bell

Believe it or not, we aren't the only people covering CineVegas. Here's a randomly selected smattering of other online musings on the festival:

Over at the Las Vegas Hidden LiveJournal community, ringleader Poly laments the lack of attendance at a screening of Never on a Sunday, and chastises the locals for not supporting the festival. A few years ago, I think her point would have been a lot more valid; although this screening may have been under-attended, nearly all of the nine screenings I've been to so far have been full or practically so. As I noted the other day, there may have been a steady stream of walk-outs at I Don't Want to Sleep Alone, but there was still a sizeable crowd left when the movie ended. I'd love to see even more local support, but I think this is one event that's done well to get local film-lovers involved.

The guys over at Film Threat are once again blogging their CineVegas experience (mixed in with posts about other stuff), and as ever, they're a little breathless and fanboy-ish, but they give you a good sense of the scene and what movies they're excited about.

The generally insufferable Jeffrey Wells, who was rather condescending toward Vegas in his festival coverage last year, was here just for the weekend, and has a bit of festival coverage mixed in with his other ramblings on his site. He loved Once Upon a Time Maria, which I found kind of a mess, and is one of the moralists up in arms over Hostel: Part II, so I would take what he says with a grain of salt. He does manage to get in a small dig at Vegas in his first festival post, too.

The CineVegas ONLocation page also has a good amalgam of blog posts and coverage (including the Weekly's) related to the festival. - Josh Bell

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