Dream Zone

Dream Zone for week of June 14-20

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I was watching my friend Susan walk up a spiral staircase.  When she was about 3/4 of the way up, I asked if she wore contacts.  She said yes.  But when she turned to look at me she was wearing glasses.

Rhonda 50, La Fox, IL

Lauri:  Staircases symbolize progression, ones ability to move on up to the next level in career, spirituality, status, etc.  That’s what this dream is showing you, that you have the ability to reach a higher level in life than where you are now.  Susan is standing in for some part of you that aspires to be like Susan.  She was above you in the dream.  In what way do you “look up to her” in real life? You ask if she wears contacts and she says yes.  This isn’t really about her vision but more about your “vision” for your own life.  When she turns her head you see that she is actually wearing glasses.  Glasses are also about your “vision” as well as your need to “focus” on a goal.  This means you may need to show others how focused you are.  Let it be known that you have a “vision” for yourself and let people see you working hard to get there, to reach that higher level... one “step” at a time.

Rhonda replies:  Susan is like my big sister and I have been staying with her since my divorce. I admire that she stood up for herself in her divorce.  I also admire that she has a boyfriend.  I want to stand up for myself, and I want a boyfriend. This is probably what I need to focus on.  Thank you!


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