Dream Zone

Dreamzone with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

In my dream I’m in a bathroom stall having an unusually heavy period. Lots of blood, then bees; the bees cannot fly. I am alarmed that so much blood and bees are coming out of my body.

–Mary, 36, Modesto, CA

Lauri: When a dream takes place in a bathroom, it means it is about something you need to “relieve” or “cleanse yourself” of. Have you been holding in any negativity or frustration lately? Blood symbolizes your energy. If you are bleeding in a dream, it is the way you are trying to show yourself that you are allowing some waking life situation to drain you. Most likely, bees are about your ability to be a “busy bee.” Have you been working too much lately? Is your energy being drained from this? The main gist of this dream is that there is something you need to let go of. Your dream seems to suggest that something is “bleeding you dry” either emotionally or in regards to your energy level.

Mary replies: I was recently offered a job, but was told two days before I was going to start that the position was no longer funded. However, I went to work for the same organization in a different department and for less pay. I then found out it was indeed funded and they had hired someone else. That hurt. I think the bees represent how busy I am with school and work and family. I am definitely trying hard not to let things bother me inside, but I feel a loss. Thank you.

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