CineVegas Review: Bad Habits

Tony Macklin

Bad Habits 4 stars

Elena de Haro, Jimena Ayala, Marco Treviño

Directed by Simon Bross

Shows again June 10 at 3:30 p.m.

In Bad Habits (Malos Habitos), a reporter on TV says, "Mexico is drowning." It rains relentlessly throughout the film, creating a mood of gloom and helplessness.

The characters are also drowning—emotionally and psychologically—in this vivid allegory about obsession and faith.

Director Bross and his co-writer Ernesto Anaya have created two infuriating lead characters. One, Matilda, becomes a nun, thinking prayer, self-abnegation and mortification give her the power to save life and stop rain.

The other, Elena, an anorexic, cruelly punishes her young daughter Linda, whom she fears will grow fat.

Both women are frenzied and alienated.

Bross uses the skills he gained as an award-winning director of commercials to make his first feature both visually and aurally potent.

For Bad Habits, both leading actresses—de Haro (Elena) and Ayala (Matilda)—lost more than 20 pounds for their demanding roles. It adds an impressive quality to their performances. The eating disorders in the movie have a reality.

Bross and Anaya have fertile imaginations, and Bad Habits has some canny surprises.

Bad Habits leaves one knowing he has been through a powerful experience.

It's like being caught in a cold, hard rain.

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