

Excerpts from, to which ordinary people submit ptentially life-altering ideas

Finally, someone willing to stop talking about childhood obesity and do something about it!

Idea: Create a website that displays the locations of ice-cream trucks in real time ...  and then kids would know when to go out to the street for ice cream in summer. (Submitted by Max)

Special British formula pending

Idea: Manufacture toothpaste that changes color when the teeth are properly clean. (Submitted by Laurence Gilardone)

They can create art!

Idea: Display smashed-up cars on white pedestals on the side of the highway as a reminder of what can happen when people drive dangerously. (Submitted by Nick Couch)

Also handy for attempted Wendy’s extortion plots

Idea: Manufacure a rubber finger which can be placed on a key ring to be used by germophobes on ATMs and public phones. (Submitted by Cameron)

Roger Ebert is hanging on for this very reason

Idea: Price movie tickets, books and CDs according to reviews of professional critics. The worse the review, the cheaper the price. The cheaper the price, the more incentive for the industries involved to try harder next time. (Submitted by Amar Kumar)

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