

Nat Damm on his eye-catching posters for University Theatre

Julie Seabaugh

April 15, Amber Pacific.

I had been messing around with this image for a long time. It’s actually from an old ’70s magazine about surfing and water sports and whatnot. It’s really bold, and I love that shade of red. I’m a big fan of symmetry. Amber Pacific is a really young band, so I wanted something young and cool.

April 20, Blood Brothers.

I bought this book on eBay from the 1920s that’s a catalog of magic tricks. It’s really cool and creepy at the same time. It had a lot of racist stuff going on. This image is from that book. I like the perspective of it coming out of the poster. And more bright colors. Most of the other posters I do are either one color or black and white, so it’s fun to be able to mess around with color.

March 3, Halifax.

I did this poster and the next day I got a phone call from Halifax’s management; they wanted me to do the tour poster for them. Having them en masse all over the country is pretty cool. If you’re familiar with the website gigposters.com, the poster I did for them is up there. I was really happy that they liked it so much.

March 20, Schoolyard Heroes.

Schoolyard Heroes are good friends of ours. They’re from Seattle, and their other artwork is really sci-fi-y, with monsters and stuff like that. I thought that this horned-demon skull went well with them. It’s a very simple poster, three colors.

May 20, Saves the Day.

I actually just did that one. I tried to keep it kind of punk rock and represent the band. I’ve been saving this image for a long time. It came together pretty nicely. Brian [Saliba, University Theatre promoter] really likes the border that is around each of the posters, and he likes to keep the format consistent. It’s nice to have that consistency, but it’s also kind of constraining as a designer to have to keep that format there. But whatever helps with the recognition

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