Dream Zone

Dream Zone

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

Recently, my husband and I have moved back in with my mom. The other night I dreamed my mother and I were in an abandoned building. As we walked up the stairs, a very skinny, unhealthy old man asked if we needed help. We just kept walking up to the next floor where we saw a very skinny, unhealthy old lady who also asked if we needed help. My mom’s legs gave out. She could not stand up by herself. I helped her down the stairs to my car and drove off, but once we got to the intersection there was a school bus blocking the road. That’s when I woke up.

 –Jessica, 21, Miami, FL

Lauri: The abandoned building represents your relationship you’ve “built” with your mother. When you moved out, she felt “abandoned.” The two old people suggest that something within your relationship is getting “old” and “unhealthy.” You’re asking yourself through your dream, “Do Mom and I need some help—or advice—with our relationship?” Your mom’s legs give out because you feel she may not be strong enough to stand on her own. You are a married woman —are you living with her because you need to for financial reasons ... or are you living with her because she needs you? The intersection is your ability to go in whatever direction you want in life ... but it is blocked.

Jessica replies: You’re right on the ball with my mother. She doesn’t stand up for herself and needs more from our relationship than I do. I’m holding back from moving out because I believe my mother needs my emotional support. This has been very helpful.

  • Get More Stories from Fri, May 11, 2007
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