
DVD corner

Because there ain’t crap on TV

Gary Dretzka

Alpha Dog ($29.98, 3 stars) The teenage miscreants in Nick Cassavetes’ contempo juvenile-delinquent docudrama bear the same cinematic DNA as the neo-Nazi youths in American History X, the over-achieving Asian-Americans in Better Luck Tomorrow and the amoral voidoids in River’s Edge. Alpha Dog presents the actual case of Jesse James Hollywood, a successful San Fernando Valley dope dealer, who ordered the murder of the brother of a teenager who owed him $1,200. Before the boy was executed, however, he enjoyed the camaraderie and intoxicants of his kidnappers, who apparently were more willing to murder a wannabe than risk going to trial for his abduction. Cassavetes captures the attraction of unfettered hedonism to under-parented, middle-class hoodlums. That these sorts of creatures make handsome livings in the suburbs seems to have caught several of the cast members by surprise—in the making-of featurette, Bruce Willis and Sharon Stone appear appalled by the notion that kids from swell neighborhoods could be this antisocial and deceitful.

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