Dream Zone

Dream Zone

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I had a dream that showed mostly feet, my feet and my daughter’s feet. We were talking in the dream. I don’t remember about what, but when I saw her face it really wasn’t my daughter. It was a dark-haired girl.

–Pamela, 54, Sycamore, IL

Lauri: Your feet—to your dreaming mind—symbolize your ability to stand up for yourself, to support yourself financially, to stand your ground, as well as your ability to move forward in life and the steps you need to take to reach your goals. In real life, have you and your daughter been having conversations about her need or about your need to stand strong in life or in a particular situation? Does she need to stand on her own in some way? Does she need to put her foot down? Your daughter does not look like herself in the dream because—as far as you’re concerned—she may not be acting like herself in real life. Has she done something lately that has made you think, “Is that my daughter? !”

Pamela replies: My daughter and I have been having conversations about my work situation, as I am afraid of losing my job. She used to be a staffing consultant, so she knows more about interviewing than the average person. She has a very good head on her shoulders. I am divorced and she also knows about my desire to find a man to spend time with. But it hasn’t happened. I tend to be a homebody. Thank you! 

  • Get More Stories from Thu, May 17, 2007
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