

Andy Wang

The Reminder

3 1/2 stars

“Sensitive Rocker Might Have Mixed Feelings About Leaving Broken Social Scene to Tour With Bright Eyes” might seem like an Onion headline or the topic of an Aziz Ansari bit, but it’s just a small part of Leslie Feist’s indie starlet life. She’s also played the role of pal, muse or collaborator (and sometimes all three) to Emily Haines, The Postal Service and Peaches. More than Haines, more than Neko Case and more than even Jenny Lewis, Feist has sung and shouted her way to becoming alt-rock’s leading lady.

Feist, though, seems ready to graduate to something more with her latest album. The playful “1234” starts off like a lullaby you’d sing to an infant and then turns into a pop gem that’s nearly as buoyant as Gwen Stefani’s “The Sweet Escape.” Of course, Feist can still do sultry cool quite well, and song like “So Sorry” and “Brandy Alexander” will appeal to her loyal fans while likely converting some Norah Jones listeners as well.

If Feist sounds more content and chill than usual, there are a number of possible explanations. Maybe she’s happily realized that she, along with so many of her friends, have conquered the indie world. Maybe it’s all the crepes and wine she’s consumed in Paris. Or maybe this emotional young lady now knows the most defiant way to deal with the crazy world is to stay in control of yourself.

  • Get More Stories from Fri, May 18, 2007
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