
Rockin’ Down the Runway

Finally rested from their extensive red-carpet coverage of Oscar night, fashion panelists Xania Woodman, Stacy Willis and Julie Seabaugh turn a sartorial eye toward youthful synth-pop band Hellogoodbye.

Xania: In a startling plot twist, the producers of HBO’s Entourage replace affable character “Turtle” with quiet outsider “Buck.”

Stacy: Stolen lawn ornaments make the man, particularly if the man can work it into the plot of Blair Witch XIII.

Julie: From l-r: Actors portraying Thumper, that bastardly hunter who shot Bambi’s mom, Bambi, Feline and Flower in a publicity still from the set of the live-action Bambi remake.

Xania: Seeking higher wages, the East Pasadena High School AV crew stages a sit-in between third and fourth periods. No one takes notice.

Stacy: No matter how gay your friends are, they’re not going to get over the Garfield shirt. Argyles: acceptable. Cartoon cat: nyet. You’re the odd man-boy out.

Julie: The cast of The Breakfast Club, minus the beauty. And the rebel. And the jock. Not to mention the brain. Guess that just leaves a whole lotta basket case.

Xania: Even though the guys knew Thad had only used them to get an A in science, they could not help but hope that those snazzy ribbons might finally get them laid.

Stacy: Something about four man-child pop characters in Catholic schoolgirl outfits displayed next to a giant, exploding Hershey’s kiss makes it clear that we don’t put enough tax dollars into science programs.

Julie: Brooks Brothers’ new Revenge of the Nerds line still had some kinks to work out ...

Xania: Either one of these penguins is really lucky, or one of the guys is just S.O.L.

Stacy: Two words. No, one two-syllable word:Beefcake. Beefcake times four. Something here makes me think of mating for life ... and it’s not the loyal penguins!

Julie: Happy Feet 2: Really Gay Feet

Hellogoodbye With The Cab

May 19, 8 p.m., $15-20. Henderson Pavilion, 267-4849.

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