
Jessica Simpson At The Pussycat Dolls Lounge

It was all about stars, sexyness and celebrations when Jessica Simpson emceed the Pussycat Dolls Lounge 2nd anniversary bash on May 4. Also on hand were Mario Lopez and Eva Longoria. Not a bad trio to have if you were starting your own Fantasy Celebrity Team!

<script type="text/javascript"> /* * Init and setup FlowPlayer. This example file shows 'advanced' features like * playlists and configuring with JavaScript. FlowPlayer.html is a simpler example. */ var flowPlayer1; function init() { if (document.getElementById) { flowPlayer1 = document.getElementById("FlowPlayer"); } setInitialConfig(); } // wait for the page to fully load before initializing window.onload = init; function setInitialConfig() { fpConf.playList = clips; fpConf.splashImageFile = '/content/fileadmin/Video/vidsplash.jpg'; fpConf.autoPlay = true; fpConf.menuItems = [ false, false, false, false, false, true ]; fpConf.autoBuffering = true; flowPlayer1.setConfig(fpConf); } /* * This is the playlist with FLV videos and images. The images can have a duration property * and the flv video files can have start and end properties that give the starting and * ending positions in seconds. All these attributes (duration, start, end) are optional. * * The start and end attributes really only work with the Flash Media Server. I have had * problems when thesting using Red5. */ var clips = [ { name: 'Jessica Simpson', url: '/content/fileadmin/Video/jessicaVNR.flv' } ]; var fpConf = { showPlayList: false, bufferLength: 20, loop: false, videoHeight: 360, hideControls: false, showPlayListButtons: true, progressBarColor1: 0xFF0000, progressBarColor2: 0xFF0000, bufferBarColor1: 0x00FF00, bufferBarColor2: 0x00FF00, progressBarBorderColor1: 0xAAAAAA, progressBarBorderColor2: 0xAAAAAA } </script>

This will be replaced by the player.

<script type="text/javascript"> // </script>

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