Dream Zone

Dream Zone

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

Six weeks after my mother’s death, I dreamed she drove up in a small white car and parked across the street from my driveway. She got out and walked up to where I was standing by my opened garage door. She looked at me with a smirky smile that scared me. I felt like I was in trouble or something. I asked if that meant I was going to die. No answer. End of dream. –Jan, New Kinsington, PA

Lauri: After someone you love dies it is common to dream of others around you dying or even of yourself dying. These daily, waking thoughts transcend into our dreams. So your deceased mother walking up to you in the dream, and your asking her if it meant you were going to die, was merely a subconscious thought that you know you will have to face death someday. Losing your mother may have caused you to examine your own role as mom (that is, if you are a mom). Perhaps you found something to be upset with yourself about, which would explain the look on your mother’s face. Remember, this dream is a creation of your mind. It doesn’t mean your mom is upset with you from beyond the grave; it means you are exploring your role as mom, and there is something that is causing you to be upset with yourself.

Jan replies: Wow, yes, I was upset with myself and how I handled a situation with my son. Very interesting. Thank you so much!

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