Dream Zone

Dream Zone


Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I dreamed that an employee of mine went to the hospital to have hemorrhoids removed. I got to go in the surgery room and watch. The doctor placed his hemorrhoids at the bottom of the huge piece of equipment. I almost got hit by the equipment but managed to move it. I was then outside helping this 7-foot-tall woman go in to have the procedure. –Pam, 57, Glendale, AZ

Lauri: To remove something in a dream means there is something in your waking life that you need to get rid of. Any issue or behavior of this particular employee that you feel needs to be removed from his personality or from his life? Has something or someone been a real “pain in the butt” lately? The large equipment suggests that you feel he is very much equipped to handle his situation. The tall woman is interesting. She may be standing in for your employee’s feminine side, meaning his sensitivity, his passiveness or perhaps his creativity. Her extreme height implies there is a lot of this female energy. Perhaps it is this that got him in the situation in the first place! The hospital setting suggests that this is a healing situation. Whatever it is that is being removed is a good thing. It will only get better from here.

Pam replies: This particular employee is making lots of mistakes and is a major pain! You are really informative; I thank you for your expertise.

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