A moment’s notice

I don’t do well without notice. You want to take a meeting? I have to schedule it. You want to go to lunch? Tell me in advance.  You want to go out this weekend? I need a least two weeks notice. (That stands for any outings that will render me useless the next day. Such as drinking, heavy lifting, or camping.)

I need a ton of advance warning to get anything done. (At least done right.) And although “on the fly” problem solving is a skill I’ve honed well, it certainly isn’t my favored course of action. But the world is an interesting place. And Las Vegas to boot.

I have had four completely unexpected catastrophes in one week. Last week. Hell week.

Now, I can occasionally handle “unexpected”. Oops, I left my dome light on and my car battery is shot. Unexpected. Darn, it’s the weekend and I suddenly have 50 things to get done before Monday. Unexpected.  But it’s the “I have 500 people invested in a particular opportunity and now someone is threatening to pull the plug on the whole operation” stuff that makes me want to do one long exhale and never breathe back in. Or possibly the “I had to rattle a billion people’s cages for this one objective that my client has now deemed entirely unimportant.” Must not have gotten that memo. All I have is the one telling me to rub a bunch of people the wrong way because the client wants what the client wants.

Months of planning, hours upon hours of dedicated work -- and all life needs is a moment’s notice to snatch it all up and shake it around like an etch a sketch.

What do you get when you cross a mainstream celebrity with two venues, 4 hotels, 2 promotional events and approximately 15 different people? Apparently nothing. A lot of space taken up on your laptop, that’s what. You get Hell Week. That’s what you get.  

But hey -- look on the bright side. It’s all part and parcel of becoming a billionaire.

Because Vegas is really running up a tab here and someone’s going to have to pay it eventually.

Precocious entrepreneur, workaholic and a rabid perfectionist Crystal Starlight knows a thing or two about getting ahead at a young age. Email her at

[email protected]

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