
Pumpkins reunion: How smashing is it?

Spencer Patterson

Just how excited should Smashing Pumpkins fans be about the ’90s alt-rock juggernaut’s summer tour, considering only two of the four original members—frontman Billy Corgan and drummer Jimmy Chamberlin—are participating? Musically speaking, if you enjoyed the band during its heyday you’ll probably dig it now. Considering Corgan wrote nearly all the songs—and at times reportedly recorded all the guitar and bass parts—himself, it’s doubtful if you shut your eyes you’ll really miss James Iha and D’Arcy Wretzky’s individual contributions.

Then again, we prefer keeping our eyes open during concerts, and there’s something much cooler about scanning the stage and seeing Billy, James, D’Arcy and Jimmy than some folks named Jeff Schroeder, Ginger Reyes and Lisa Harriton. When longtime, founding members are still living, there’s an expectation that “reuniting” bands will—at the very least—attempt to include them, but to hear Iha talk Corgan never even tried. So while we won’t complain about hearing “Cherub Rock” or “Disarm” live again, we can’t fully embrace the new renditions, either. At least, until Billy picks up the phone and actually puts the band back together, once and for all.

With The 88. September 13, 8 p.m., $60.50. The Pearl, 942-7777.

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