Dream Zone

Dream Zone

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I am in a small grocery store. I forgo the food line and go check my lottery tickets. I am feeling lucky, but the store owner says that his lotto machine is broken. I believe him but look down and realize his cash register is out of cash, and he is afraid that he will not be able to pay me once I win. I decide to take the tickets to the lotto office, and on the way out I notice that a long line of people are behind me trying to buy tickets. I think about going back after they finish because the register will then have money, but I leave.

–Vonda, 42, St. Louis, MO

Lauri: You forgo the food line and opt for the lottery line. Are you more focused on money than receiving emotional “nourishment”? The empty register suggests that you are feeling empty or that someone is not recognizing your value. Are you feeling “short-changed” in your marriage or in your work? Just as the store owner lied to you, do you think someone around you is not being honest with you? You left in the dream, which suggests this is something you are considering leaving behind in real life.

Vonda replies: Interesting! I have been thinking about leaving my husband because I haven’t been able to “cash in” on this relationship. I am the main breadwinner, so it makes sense that I am on the money line! My husband seems to have only a casual relationship with the truth! I may not have exactly told him everything either.

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