Dream Zone

Dream Zone with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I dreamed about an earthquake. The house vibrated violently, but I stayed strong. Then I looked at the sky, where a cloud changed to a big gigantic snake descending down. The snake’s tail was still in the cloud. The snake’s head was as big as the door. Its yellow eyes stared at me. I ran to the back of the house, and the snake’s head entered the front door, then retracted.

–Tommy, 50, Jakarta, Indonesia

Lauri: The earthquake suggests that something in your life is not secure, such as finances or health or career. Your house represents your state of mind. Despite the instability going on right now, you, at your core, are holding strong. Snakes, in a man’s dream, often refer to his own power to heal a negative situation! Notice how this snake comes down from the sky ready to strike ... like lightning! It is letting you know that you have recently had—or will soon have—a brilliant idea, a burst of wisdom coming to you, as if you have harnessed some great idea from the heavens. So fear not. Healing is about to begin.

Tommy replies: My mother is very ill and has just come out of a month-long coma. I prayed to God to help her. I did some meditation and healing ‘visualization.’ I even tried to talk to the sky and asked for signs that she will be helped. After this prayer was when I dreamed of that snake with yellow eyes coming down from the sky.

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