
I ate this …

Greg Thilmont

Historic candy still does not taste like chicken. The venerable Chick-O-Stick has eschewed its historic chicken logo. I did not know until recently. Yes, that quaint, old-timey peanut-butter-crunch cylinder with a dusting of desiccated coconut shreds shall no longer be confused with poultry flavors via labeling. When I first ate a Chick-O-Stick as a kid way far away from Chick-O-Stick Land (Texas), I thought it might be some weird sweetened Chicken in a Biskit candy thing, due to the bird on the wrapper. Nope. It was just sugared-up peanuts and a smattering of coconut. But I was not alone in the chicken-flavor fake-out. The label change has merited online commentary. Given a choice today, I’d take a Chick-O-Stick over a sickly sweet, faux-chocolate-gilded Butterfinger. I don’t care what Bart Simpson thinks.

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